There are a wide variety of built-in reports available.
Not every version of this product includes all possible reports. If you see a report that you want to use that is not in your version, contact your sales representative. Routing reports (Planned vs Actual) for Verizon Connect® Response™ are described here.
Built-in reports are categorized by type and sub-type. The main report types are:
All Faults (DTC): Lists the diagnostic trouble codes that have triggered for each vehicle in the selected time period.
Assets: Lists the hours when a vehicle or asset was in use.
Daily Summary: Lists daily summary statistics for each vehicle or driver for each day in the selected time period.
Detailed Trip: Summarizes the timing of every trip each vehicle made. This is similar to a manifest report, but organized slightly differently.
Driver Details: Lists information from the driver details for each driver in a specified team.
Engine Diagnostics: Presents diagnostic information from units that have on-board diagnostics.
Engine On Time: Lists the time spent with the ignition on for each vehicle in a specified fleet. Different subtypes provide subtotals based on the state where the vehicle was at the time.
EV Charge: Gives you information about charging events for your EV vehicles, including battery levels before and after the charge, duration of charging events, and the distance driven between charging events.
Fuel Card Match Detail: Lists fuel card purchase details by fleet, and full details about all "matched" fuel purchases (vehicles recorded as being at the fueling location at the time of the purchase) and "unmatched" fuel purchases (vehicles not recorded as being at the fueling location at the time of the purchase).
Fuel Card Match Summary: Lists fuel card purchase details by fleet, and summarizes the total number of "matched" fuel purchases (vehicles recorded as being at the fueling location at the time of the purchase) and "unmatched" fuel transactions (vehicles not recorded as being at the fueling location at the time of the purchase), and the percentage of purchases that "match".
Fuel Card Purchase Detail Summary: Lists fuel card purchase details by fleet, and indicates if vehicle locations and timestamps match the locations and timestamps of fuel purchases (to flag possible fraudulent purchases).
Fuel Purchase History: Lists the fuel purchase history for each vehicle, or compares fuel purchases to WEX fuel card reports.
Fuel Tax: Summarizes the driving vehicles do each day, broken down by each state the vehicle travels through.
GF Co-Location Report: Lists times when a GF vehicle was stopped at the location where another vehicle is stopped.
Hierarchy: Lists the information associated with each node of the hierarchy.
History: Lists the history events for each vehicle.
HOS Reports: See this section for the various hours of service (HOS) reports that are available.
Idle Time: Lists the time spent idling for each vehicle in a specified fleet.
Insight Alerts: Lists the InSight Alerts™ that have occurred (or the counts of alerts) for a specified set of alerts you have defined.
Legacy: Reports provided for backward compatibility with other applications.
Manifest Report: Describes every trip each vehicle made.
Marker Activity: Shows information about how frequently and for how long each driver or vehicle was at each marker.
Marker Details: Lists information about your markers.
Mileage: Lists the total distance driven by each driver or vehicle in a specified fleet. Different subtypes provide subtotals based on the driver, state (within the United States), road type, or direction of travel between specified markers or categories.
PTO or Sensor: Lists the activity reported by inputs for a vehicle or fleet.
Role: Lists the role rights assigned to subuser accounts.
Speeding: Lists incidents when the vehicles in a fleet were speeding during the reporting period.
Stop: Lists the number of stops made at each marker and the time spent stopped there.
Subuser Details Reports: Lists user information about subusers of your account.
Subuser Login Reports: Lists login history information for subusers of your account.
Trip Details: Lists information about trips performed by drivers and vehicles in your fleet, and the trip type.
Unit Health: Lists all NRU (Non Reporting Unit) periods recorded for vehicles assigned to a single hierarchy node over the reporting period.
Utilization: Lists your use of every vehicle in the fleet and the percentage that represents of the total for the fleet.
Vehicle Details: Lists detailed information about each vehicle in a specified fleet.
Vehicle Hardware Diagnostics: Lists information about the quality of data coming from the vehicles in a fleet.
Vehicle Maintenance: Lists the scheduled maintenance or maintenance history for each vehicle.
Individuals in many territories that we operate within have specific legal rights to delete the private data we hold about them. Reports often include many types of personally identifiable information. Therefore, to ensure that this data is kept only for as long as necessary, reports are automatically deleted after 21 days. Typically, the data from which these reports are generated is still available after the reports have been removed, unless the driver has been removed from the system, and can therefore be rerun at a later date, if necessary.
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