An all faults report (DTC) lists the diagnostic trouble codes that have triggered for each vehicle. Each row in the report represents one fault that occurred in the vehicle. The rows in the report are ordered chronologically (most recent to least recent) by the dates in the Last Seen Time (UTC) column.
The options specific to all faults reports (DTC) that you can set are as follows:
Time Frame Options: Select the dates that the report will cover. You can select a predefined time frame from the Time Frame drop-down menu. If you select the "Specific Dates" option the From and To fields open. Select a date in each field, using the calendar controls.
Fleet: The fleet of vehicles to include in the report. Select a hierarchy node from the list to include all vehicles from that hierarchy node and any of the nodes at lower levels. If you select the top-level node (that is, "Active"), non-hierarchy vehicles are also included in the report.
The columns of an all faults report (DTC) are as follows:
Create Time (UTC): The date and time that the maintenance DTC fault was created.
Last Seen Time (UTC): The date and time that the fault code was last detected.
VIN: The 17-character Vehicle Identification Number used to uniquely identify a vehicle.
Serial Number: The electronic serial number of the device reporting the fault (the serial number of the hardware unit in the vehicle).
Vehicle Tag: The name of the vehicle that reported the diagnostic trouble code.
Vehicle Year: The year of manufacture of the vehicle.
Vehicle Make: The manufacturer of the vehicle.
Vehicle Model: The model of vehicle.
Trouble Code: The DTC trouble code that was detected. Each code represents a specific type of vehicle problem.
Severity: The severity of the fault. "Severe", "Serious", "Moderate", "Minor", "Attention", or "Unknown", in descending order.
Issue: A summary of the problem that the DTC describes, if known.
Corrective Action: The suggested corrective action required to resolve the fault.
Location: The nearest street address to the location reported by the vehicle when the DTC code was detected.
Status: The case status of the fault. "Open", 'Resolved", "Expired", or null (blank).
Resolved Time (UTC): The date and time that the maintenance case for this fault was resolved.
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