Assets reports summarize the hours when a vehicle or asset was in use. There are four types of assets reports:
Hours of Use: Lists the times when the ignition was on for every vehicle in a specified fleet.
Utilization: Similar to the Hours of Use, but including the results of inputs showing when the asset was in productive use.
Engine Hours Summary: For each vehicle, lists the total number of hours the engine was running (ignition on) during the report period.
Engine Hours by Day: The same as Engine Hours Summary, but with separate columns for each day in the report period and a final column for the total.
Fleet Status: Summarizes the current location, total engine on time, battery voltage, and odometer reading of every asset in your fleet.
The options specific to Assets reports that you can set are as follows:
Fleet: Which vehicles should be shown in the report.
Sensor Input Filter: When enabled, only shows hours when the specified input is on (hours of Use and Utilization reports only).
One Item per Page: Format the report so that each vehicle starts on a new page.
Each row of the report represents a single day of use.
Reports Received: the number of reports sent from the unit in the vehicle or asset on the specified day.
Date: The day of the asset was in use.
First On: The time when the ignition was first turned on (or, if the asset was used over midnight, the start of the day). This is expressed in the time zone where the asset was located at the time.
Last Off: The time when the ignition was last turned off (or, if the asset was used over midnight, the end of the day). This is expressed in the time zone where the asset was located at the time.
Machine Hours: The number of hours that the ignition was on.
Work Hours: The number of hours that elapse between First On and Last Off.
Saturday Hours: The number of hours that the ignition was on that occurred on a Saturday.
Sunday Hours: The number of work hours that the ignition was on that occurred on a Sunday.
Billing Hours: For weekdays, this is 8 hours, or work hours, whichever is greater. For weekends, this is work hours.
OT Hours: Overtime hours. For weekdays, this is any billing hours over the minimum 8 hours. For weekends, this is billing hours.
Each row of the report represents a single day of use.
Date: The day of the asset was in use.
First On: The time when the ignition was first turned on (or, if the asset was used over midnight, the start of the day). This is expressed in the time zone where the asset was located at the time.
Last Off: The time when the ignition was last turned off (or, if the asset was used over midnight, the end of the day). This is expressed in the time zone where the asset was located at the time.
Machine Hours: The number of hours that the ignition was on.
Work Hours: The number of hours that elapse between First On and Last Off.
Utilization Hours: The number of hours that inputs on the asset indicated that it was performing work.
Overtime Hours: Overtime hours. For weekdays, this is any work hours over a minimum 8 hours. For weekends, this is work hours.
Vehicle: The asset whose ignition was on.
Engine Running Time: The total time that the engine was running (ignition on).
Vehicle: The asset whose ignition was on.
Engine Running Time: Separate columns for each day in the report period, showing the total time that the engine was running (ignition on).
Total: The total engine running time for the report period.
Each row of the report represents a single asset.
Asset: The name of the asset.
Last Report: The date and time (in hh:mm:ss format) of the last report received from the asset.
Location: The street address closest to the asset's location at the time of the report.
Total Engine Time: The total engine running time (ignition on) at the time of the report.
Battery Voltage: The voltage recorded from the backup battery in the GPS hardware at the time of the report.
Odometer: The odometer reading at the time of the report.
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