DVIR forms are an option-controlled feature, and must be enabled by Verizon Connect support.
Drivers can use Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) forms to help with their vehicle inspections. Two types of DVIR form templates are available:
Standard DVIRs - Forms that are used for vehicle inspections, completed only by the driver.
Third Signature DVIRs - Forms that are used for vehicle inspections, and that are passed between drivers and mechanics using the third signature process described below.
Third Signature DVIRs provide an efficient three-stage communication process between drivers and mechanics when a fault is found during a vehicle inspection:
Step 1 - Notification of a fault. A driver finds one or more faults while completing a pre-trip, post-trip or on-demand vehicle inspection. Third signature DVIR forms allow drivers to specify one of three status types for each inspection area: Passed, Failed or N/A. Choosing Failed for any inspection item changes the DVIR status from Pending Inspection to Awaiting Mechanic when submitted. If no faults are found, the DVIR status changes from Pending Inspection to DVIR Passed.
For drivers, any vehicles with a current DVIR status of Awaiting Mechanic or Seen By Mechanic - that is, that contain any inspection area with a Third signature status of Failed - are highlighted in the Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ mobile application's Vehicles list in red. For mechanics, the DVIRs for these vehicles are listed after selecting the DVIR option from the Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ application's home screen. Drivers who select a vehicle with a failed DVIR item are given the option to select an alternative vehicle to drive on their duty shift.
Step 2 - Correction of the noted problem. A mechanic inspects and, if possible, corrects all vehicle faults with a Failed status. When the mechanic has corrected all problems and changed the previously Failed items to Fixed, the DVIR status changes from Awaiting Mechanic to Seen By Mechanic, and the DVIR is ready for its third stage.
Step 3 - Confirmation and sign-off of the repair. The driver tests that the fault has been corrected during the next vehicle inspection. If the fault has not been corrected to the driver's satisfaction, the driver marks the item as Failed and re-submits, returning the process to step 1 (and reverting the DVIR to a status of Awaiting Mechanic). This sequence repeats until the driver signs off on the corrective action. When the driver has marked all Fixed items as Passed, the vehicle's DVIR status changes to DVIR Approved and the vehicle is no longer highlighted in red in the Vehicles list in Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™. It returns to its normal status, as indicated by black text and a black vehicle icon.
Each of these three steps requires a signature by a driver or a mechanic; hence the name Third signature. Third signature DVIR form templates can be displayed to drivers as a Pre DVIR, a Post DVIR, or an On Demand inspection.
Only mechanic accounts can assign a status of Fixed to an inspection item. Mechanic accounts are created by adding the special tag "mechanic" to any of your drivers on the Tags tab of the Driver Details dialog box.
On the Form Builder tab, enter the form name into the Form Name field, then open the Form Type drop-down menu and select "DVIR" or "DVIR Third Signature" (if you want to use the third signature process). Click the Add Form Element button repeatedly to add as many new form elements as you need. With the "DVIR" or "DVIR Third Signature" form type selected, you can select the following two form element types, which are unique to DVIR form templates:
DVIR Control: These are used to specify individual inspection areas, and support a three-stage "notify, fix, verify" repair process by allowing users to set a status of Passed, Fail, Fixed or N/A for vehicle inspection areas. To add a DVIR Control element, click the Add Form Element button, then select the Type drop-down and choose DVIR Control. Give the new form element a name in the Name column (for example, "Suspension system" or "Brakes") then select the default status of the control from the Text Value control. Available options are [No Default Value], Passed, Failed, and N/A. Select the Required check box to force the driver to provide a response to the new DVIR Control form element.
DVIR Summary: These display a summary of the status of each DVIR Control in a Third signature form. Typically this element is included only once, in the lower part of the form template. To add a DVIR Summary element - typically once you have added all the DVIR Control form elements you require (one for each inspection area) - click the Add Form Element button, then select the Type drop-down and choose DVIR Summary. A new form element is added that summarizes the number of each DVIR status type selected in the DVIR form (Passed, Failed, Fixed, and N/A). Give the new form element a name in the Name column (for example, "Status Summary of all vehicle inspection areas").
Click Save when you have completed configuring your Third signature DVIR form template.
You can apply advanced formatting to DVIR Control and DVIR Summary form elements, if required. You can also place them within sections and pages. Only DVIR Control and DVIR Summary form elements, and not standard form elements, participate in the third signature process described above.
The following example shows a simple third signature form template with five standard form elements (Text Box, Photo, Label, and a mandatory Signature element), six DVIR Control form elements, and one DVIR Summary form element:
If you have an asset type defined on the Asset Types screen and the vehicles your WorkPlan users are driving are assigned to the asset type:
Ensure that you select Use DVIR form templates selected below on the DVIR tab.
Ensure that you set the Form Type on the DVIR tab of the Asset Type screen to "DVIR" or "DVIR third Signature" and select the appropriate DVIR form under Pre-trip DVIR Form Template, Post-trip DVIR Form Template or On-demand DVIR Form Templates.
Ensure that you have configured Pre Inspection, Post Inspection, Pre and Post Inspection, or On Demand Inspection in your driver accounts (via the Verizon Connect Mobile tab of the Driver Details dialog box or the Mobile Defaults tab of the Settings dialog box).
Ensure that your drivers are using Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ version 3.6 or later.
If you do not have an asset type defined:
Ensure that the DVIR form is called "DVIR".
Ensure that you have configured Pre Inspection, Post Inspection, Pre and Post Inspection, or On Demand Inspection in your driver accounts (via the Verizon Connect Mobile tab of the Driver Details dialog box or the Mobile Defaults tab of the Settings dialog box).
When creating a third signature DVIR form template, you can choose which DVIR results to carry over from one DVIR form to the next. This setting applies only to those DVIRs that contain at least one failure.
To choose which DVIR results to carry over, use the setting Carry over DVIR results in the upper part of the Form Builder. The options are:
All: All results from a DVIR based on this template are carried over to the next DVIR based on the same template. For example, if a DVIR has 10 passes and 2 failures, the new DVIR based on the same template has the same passes and failures. This is the default value for all form templates.
Failed Only: Only failures from a DVIR based on this template are carried over to the next DVIR based on the same template. For example, if a DVIR has 10 passes and 2 failures, the new DVIR based on the same template has the same 2 failures. The DVIR controls that previously passed are displayed with the default value defined in the template.
The Carry over DVIR results setting for third signature DVIRs does not change a mechanic’s workflow or a driver’s workflow when approving DVIR fixes.
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