Form data submitted from drivers using the Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ mobile application is presented via the Driver Forms section. The forms shown in this section are converted from their raw form using the XSLT transformation language. This transformation process determines how any given form is presented in your browser, much like a style sheet is used to determine how an HTML web page is presented.
XSLT template files can be used to:
Adjust the layout of form pages, including table, row, column and cell number, size, and alignment; and specify font faces, sizes, and colors.
Run conditional tests against XSL form content to determine what and how available form content is shown.
Add form content such as line breaks, horizontal rules, and images (such as logos), or to replace default form content (for example, radio or check box responses) with images.
This section describes how to format and upload XSLT files to customize the appearance of submitted driver forms in the platform interface.
XSLT language conventions are not discussed in this guide, and a basic understanding of this language is required to fully exploit the capabilities of this feature. See for tutorials explaining basic XSLT concepts.
Customized XSLT style sheets are accepted by the platform in one of two ways:
By uploading a single .XSLT format file and associating it with a form template. The styles contained in this file are used to overwrite the default platform styles.
By uploading a zipped archive (.zip) that includes a single .XSLT file at its root level, and a folder named "stylesheetFiles" that contains any resources linked to from the XSLT file (such as images).
Only XSLT format files are supported. If you attempt to upload formats of any other type, the upload is canceled.
To download an example XSLT file and resources, click here. Use these files in conjunction with the information presented below to generate your own style files.
Customized XSLT files are applied to form templates individually, and can be removed at any time. Doing so reverts all forms that use the form template to their default appearance.
Form data is divided into three distinct categories:
Form instance data. This is general data about the form, including the name of the form template used, when the form was created and submitted, and the form version. This data is generated both by the mobile application, and by the platform server.
Form metadata. This is data about individual form instances (versions), and includes job, driver and vehicle names, street address data, location coordinates and a unique ID associated with every form instance. This data is generated exclusively by the mobile application.
Form components. This is the actual content of the form instance submitted by a driver, including data such as text field content, check box, and drop-down responses, QR code data and submitted photos. This data is generated by the mobile application user.
Form data is always displayed in the order listed above (form instance data in the upper part of the form, metadata below this, and form components in the lower part of the form) when generated in the platform interface, but you can choose what and how this content is presented within these constraints.
Form instance and metadata text and integer content that might be available to you (depending on the data submitted by a given form), and that can be styled, includes:
Name |
Data Location |
Description |
name |
/forms//instance/@name |
The name of the form template that the form uses. |
created |
/forms//instance/@created |
The date on which the form was created. |
savedOnServerTime |
/forms//instance/@savedOnServerTime |
The date the form was received by the server from Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™. |
loc |
/forms//instance/@loc |
The location of the device when the form was submitted, or "-180,-180" if unknown (if no GPS or address was available). |
unitUuid |
/forms//instance/@unitUuid |
The unique device ID. |
driverUuid |
/forms//instance/@driverUuid |
The unique driver ID. |
versionNumber |
/forms//instance/@versionNumber |
The form version, starting at 1. |
status |
/forms//instance/@status |
The status of the form (either saved or submitted). A form has a status of saved until submitted to the platform server, at which point this changes to submitted. When submitted, the Form Version integer automatically increments by 1. As such, Form Version acts much like a major version while Form Status acts as a minor version. |
versionID |
/forms//instance/@versionId |
The form's unique version ID. |
dvirSummary |
/forms//instance/@dvirSummary |
The DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Report) summary. |
Name |
Data Location |
Description |
job |
/forms//instance/metadata/job/text() |
The job name. |
driver |
/forms//instance/metadata/driver/text() |
The driver's name. |
vehicle |
/forms//instance/metadata/vehicle/text() |
The vehicle's name. |
unit |
/forms//instance/metadata/unit/text() |
The unit's name. |
streetNumber |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetNumber/text() |
The street number of the address. |
streetName |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetName/text() |
The street name of the address. |
building |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/building/text() |
The building name of the address. |
suburb |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/suburb/text() |
The suburb name of the address. |
city |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/city/text() |
The city name of the address. |
county |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/county/text() |
The county name of the address. |
state |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/state/text() |
The state name of the address. |
postCode |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/postCode/text() |
The postcode of the address. |
country |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/country/text() |
The country name of the address. |
latitude |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/coordinates/latitude/text() |
The latitude coordinates of the address. |
longitude |
/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/coordinates/longitude/text() |
The longitude coordinates of the address. |
versionId |
/forms//instance/@versionId |
The unique version ID of the form instance. |
Form instance and metadata information can be shown on, or omitted from, forms as required according to the specific information you want to present. You might, for example, want some form types to include all available information, while others might be better kept as light as possible (such as including only the date of the form's submission and the name of the driver who submitted it).
This text and integer data can be printed on your forms (within the metadata and //instance template sections of the XSLT file) using simple XSLT code, as demonstrated below; removed entirely, or shown only under certain conditions (for example, only if the requested data is actually available).
Writing the form template name:
<xsl:attribute-set name="title">
<xsl:attribute name="font-family">Tahoma</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="font-size">18pt</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="padding">2mm</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="text-align">left</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="color">green</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:template match="//instance">
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="title">
<xsl:text>Form Template Name:</xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/@name" />
The example above prints Form Template Name: <Form Template Name> (or simply Form Template Name: if the requested template name data is not available) in bold green text, as specified by the title attribute set.
To run a simple test on form data, and print information only when it is available:
<!-- Is the driver's name available? -->
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/driver/text()">
<!-- If yes, print the following... -->
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="title">
<xsl:text>Driver Name:</xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/driver/text()" />
<!-- If no, do nothing... -->
Prints Driver Name: <Form Template Name> if a driver name is available; otherwise, nothing is printed.
To print data when it is available, and alternative text when it is not:
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="title">
<!-- Is a location available? -->
<xsl:when test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetNumber/text()">
<!-- Yes, so print the address... -->
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="title">
<xsl:text>Location: </xsl:text>
<!-- The location -->
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetNumber/text()">
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetNumber/text()" />
<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetName/text()">
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/streetName/text()" />
<xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/building/text()">
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/building/text()" />
<xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/suburb/text()">
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/suburb/text()" />
<xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/city/text()">
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/city/text()" />
<xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/country/text()">
<xsl:value-of select="/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/country/text()" />
<!-- Also show a tick icon -->
<fo:external-graphic src="stylesheetFiles/success.png" />
<!-- No, so write a customized message... -->
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="title">
<xsl:text>Location: </xsl:text>
<xsl:text>GPS is too weak</xsl:text>
<!-- Also show a cross icon -->
<fo:external-graphic src="stylesheetFiles/failure.png" />
Prints: Location: <Street Number>, <Street Name>, <Building Name>, <Suburb Name>, <City Name>, <Country> (if a street number is available; otherwise, prints Location: GPS is too weak). This example also displays one image when an address is available (success.png) and another when it is not (failure.png).
To insert an image into displayed forms; for example, if you wanted to add a logo to the top of each page:
<fo:external-graphic src="stylesheetFiles/FileName.png" content-height="scale-to-fit" height="100px" content-width="100px" scaling="non-uniform"/>
Form data is stored within the following folder structure:
All form instance data is stored within /forms//instance/ (for example, /forms//instance/@name where @name is <element1>). Available form instance attributes are:
<element1>: loc, name, defaultView, formBuilderVersion, savedOnServerTime, versionID, previousVersionID, versionNumber, status, driverUuid, unitUuid, formType
Form metadata is stored within /forms//instance/metadata/<element2> (for example, /forms//instance/metadata/job/text(), where job is <element2>). Available metadata attributes are:
<element1>: metadata, previousVersions, dvirControl, dvirSummary, comments
<element2>: (available when <element1> is metadata) job, driver, vehicle, unit, versionId, fullAddress, address; (available when <element1> is comments) commentThread
<element3>: (available when <element2> is fullAddress) streetNumber, streetName, building, suburb, city, county, state, postCode, country, coordinates, code
<element4>: (available when <element3> is coordinates) latitude, longitude
Components within this structure can be styled individually. For example, to create a style available to all content within the root, /forms, the following might be used:
<xsl:template match="/forms">
<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4" page-width="210mm" page-height="297mm" margin-top="1cm" margin-bottom="1cm" margin-left="1cm" margin-right="1cm">
<fo:region-body margin-left="10mm" margin-right="10mm" margin-top="10mm" margin-bottom="10mm" />
<fo:region-before extent="2cm" />
<fo:region-after extent="2cm" />
<fo:region-start extent="2cm" />
<fo:region-end extent="2cm" />
<xsl:apply-templates />
The block above creates an A4 format master layout that can be applied to any form content, as all content is held within /forms (this layout can then be applied to //instance and metadata, for example, as illustrated in the next code example).
Likewise, if you wanted to explicitly modify the style of metadata content, you could use the following:
<xsl:template match="metadata">
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="A4">
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
&nbsnbsp; </fo:block>
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<xsl:value-of select="../@created" />
<xsl:if test="job">
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<xsl:value-of select="job/text()" />
<xsl:template match="fullAddress">
<xsl:if test="coordinates/latitude/text() and coordinates/longitude/text()">
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<xsl:value-of select="coordinates/latitude/text()"/>, <xsl:value-of select="coordinates/longitude/text()"/>
In the example above, the first style is applied to metadata content, printing only the form date and the job name, if available, in the metadata form block. The second block is applied to the fullAddress component of the metadata content (/forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/) and prints a latitude/longitude location if both /forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/coordinates/latitude/text() and /forms//instance/metadata/fullAddress/coordinates/longitude/text() return true (that is, content is available for both).
In addition to styling form instance and metadata values, user-submitted form components can also be adjusted, including the following:
Name |
Description |
textbox |
Styles text box form components. |
checkbox |
Styles check box form components. |
signature |
Styles signature form components. |
qrcode |
Styles QR code form components. |
image |
Styles image form components. |
radio |
Styles radio form components. |
dropdown |
Styles dropdown form components. |
dvirControl |
Styles DVIR control form components (see third signature DVIR form templates). |
dvirSummary |
Styles DVIR summary form components (see third signature DVIR form templates). |
comments |
Styles comment form components. |
Specify the images used to represent the responses to check box elements:
<xsl:template match="checkbox">
<xsl:variable name="id" select="@id" />
<xsl:variable name="versionId" select="ancestor::instance[1]/@versionId" />
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<xsl:value-of select="@name" />
<xsl:if test="/forms//instance[@versionId = $versionId]//comments/commentThread[@itemId = $id]">
<fo:inline line-height="100%" baseline-shift="20%" font-size="xx-small">
<xsl:value-of select="count(/forms//instance[@versionId = $versionId]//comments/commentThread[@itemId = $id]/preceding-sibling::commentThread) + 1"/>
<fo:table-cell xsl:use-attribute-sets="contentcell left">
<xsl:when test="@selected='true'">
<fo:external-graphic src="stylesheetFiles/checkbox_checked.png" />
<fo:external-graphic src="stylesheetFiles/checkbox_unchecked.png" />
To upload a formatted XSLT file, or a zip archive that contains an XSLT file and a resource folder (stylesheetFiles):
From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Form Templates.
Select a form from the left menu and click Settings . The custom style sheet dialog box opens.
Click More and navigate to the XSLT stylesheet file, or the zip archive.
Click Open on the file selection dialog box, then OK on the Manage Custom Stylesheet dialog box. The XSLT file or zip archive is then uploaded. This can take a moment depending on the number and size of resource files within the archive and your network speeds. If the XSLT file contains formatting errors, or the upload file is the wrong type, the import process is aborted. Once uploaded and accepted, a success message is displayed.
To remove an XSLT transformation file from a form template, reverting all forms using that template to the default style:
From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Form Templates.
Select a form from the left menu and click Settings . The custom style sheet dialog box opens.
Click Delete to the right of the XSLT filename.
Click OK on the Manage Custom Stylesheet dialog box. Driver forms using the template will now use the default system style.
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