When you create breaks on a route, or assign jobs or depots to a route, there are limitations that you must consider regarding the maximum number that can be used on a single route. For more information about these limitations, see the Route and Job Limitations page.
The additional pick-up and drop-off functionality allows you to define more than one depot along a route from where your drivers pick up or drop off items for a job. When using this functionality, you can define markers as additional depots and then specify whether the depots need to be visited before a job (pre-job) or after a job (post-job).
In Fleet, click on your account name and go to Settings > Jobs & Routes. In the Advanced Features section, enable Additional pick-ups and drop-offs.
Go to Main > Map and create a depot marker with the category “HQ”.
Go to Tasks > Tags > Markers and add a new marker tag that will link the new depot to one or more jobs.
Go to Jobs & Routes > Dispatch, select the Jobs list and click the Create Job button on the List panel toolbar.
Select the Requirements tab. If the job requires a pick-up from the depot created above, select the new tag under Pre-job Depot Requirements. If the job requires a drop-off at the new depot, select the new tag under Post-job Depot Requirements.
Click Save.
When importing jobs with additional pick-ups and drop-offs defined, make sure that you define the following fields in your import file:
The positioning of additional pick-ups and drop-offs within a route depends on your settings for Return to Depot Strategy and Capacity Management. Ideally, additional pick-ups and drop-offs occur at an optimal time within a route and are not forced to either the beginning or end of a route.
To make sure that any additional pick-ups and drop-offs are optimally placed, verify the following settings:
Under Settings > Dispatch > Advanced Features, enable Capacity Management.
Under Territories > Routing Settings, set Mid-route return to depot strategy to “Return to start depot” or “Use nearest depot”. These two settings cause the vehicle to return to either the start depot or the nearest depot that meets the requirements defined for additional pick-ups and drop-offs when the vehicle is over capacity during a route. The vehicle can be reloaded and carry a higher load over the duration of the route. If Mid-route return to depot strategy is set to “Disabled” any additional pick-ups and drop-offs are forced to the beginning or end of the route.
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