When job or route lists are long, it can be difficult to find the entry you are looking for. To help find items in these lists quickly, both the Jobs List and the Daily Routes panel include search controls. You can use these controls to perform simple text searches for items such as job and marker names.
Both panels also have more advanced filtering options:
The Jobs List panel has an advanced filter, where you can select properties and matching values to build up a list of one or more filter criteria.
The filter on the Daily Routes panel accepts a powerful search language that you can use to locate routes with properties that match all or part of your search query.
The Jobs List panel has an advanced filter that allows you to add one or more filter criteria made up of the following items:
Property: The field to filter on. For example, driver, job type, or location.
Operator: The operator to use for comparing the property to the value. For example, "contains", "is", or "is not".
Value: The value to filter the property on.
And/Or operators: The operator that is used between filter criteria to determine whether all filters must apply or whether one of the filters can apply.
Follow these steps to use the advanced filter:
In the upper part of the Jobs List click Filter.
Open the Property drop-down list and select a property. Depending on the property you select, the other filter components that are available might change.
Click on the current operator, for example "contains", and select a new operator. The operators that are available depend on the property you selected.
Depending on the property and operator you selected above, the value has a different input form element. For example:
If you select the property "Driver Name" and the operator "contains", you can type the value into a text box.
If you select the property "Location" and the operator "is any of", you can add multiple values into the text box. Type one value, press the "Tab" key, type another value, and press the "Tab" key again. Repeat this process until you have added all values.
If you select the property "Planned Arrival (by date) and the operator "after", you can select a date from the date picker.
(Optional) To add more filter rows, click Add filter. To remove a particular filter row, click on the x at the end of the row. To clear all filters, click Clear All.
If you have more than one filter, you can select the "and" or "or" operator that applies to the filter rows. By default, "and" is used. To change the operator, click on "and", to the left of the second filter row, and select "or". All operators change to be the same: all "and" or all "or".
An "and" between the filter rows requires all filter criteria to be met in the results. An "or" between the filter rows returns results that include any of the filter criteria, so that not all criteria need to be met.
For example, in the filter shown below, if there is an "and" operator, the results show only if the driver name, location, and planned arrival date all match. If there is an "or" operator, the results show jobs where the driver name, or location, or planned arrival date, or a combination of these properties match.
Click Apply to start filtering your jobs list.
The Filter routes field on the Daily Routes panel accepts complex filter query strings with the following components:
Filter field
Comparison operator
Filter criterion
The search query strings must adhere to the following syntax:
<filter field> <comparison operator> <filter criterion>
For example:
Filter strings are not case-sensitive. "Job" is also accepted as "Stop".
Filter criteria text strings that contain spaces, such as "Customer 10", must be contained within single or double quotes. For example, the following strings are accepted:Route.Name=Customer10 and Route.Name="Customer 10". The stringRoute.Name=Customer 10 would return all routes with the word "Customer" in their names.
The components of an advanced search query are described below:
Filter field: The fields the filter is applied to. You can specify filters for any of the following:
Daily Routes:
Route.Name: The name of the route
Route.Driver: The name of the driver completing the route
Route.Vehicle: The name of the vehicle used on the route
Route.Jobs: The number of stops on the route. Also accepted as Route.Stops.
Route.Duration: The duration of the route in hours and minutes, in HH:MM format. For example, 02:10 for 2 hours and 10 minutes.
Route.Distance: The length of the route in the default distance units configured in your account (typically miles or kilometers)
Route.Cost: The cost of the route in the currency unit specified through the Terminology screen (based on the translation key set for /pages/common/locale/currency_symbol)
Route.Weight: The total weight of the load carried on this route
Route.Volume: The total volume of the load carried on this route
Route.Weightutilization: The percentage of the vehicle's weight capacity used by this route
Route.Volumeutilization: The percentage of the vehicle's volume capacity used by this route
Comparison operator: How the field value should be compared to the filter criterion. Possible comparison operators include:
Equals: "=" or "==" or ":" - this filters the jobs list to show all jobs where the filter criterion matches all or part of the filter field's value.
Not equals: "!=" or "<>" - this filters the jobs list to show all jobs where the filter criterion does not match any part of the filter field's value.
Comparison: "<" or "<=" or ">" or ">=" - this filters the jobs lists so that it shows all items who have the specified relationship between filter field and filter criterion (including on text fields and for custom field).
Filter criterion: A literal value that the filter field's value is compared to. Filter criteria are either strings or numbers.
Numeric values can include any of the digits from 0 to 9, the "-" sign, and a decimal point. For example, "-32.95".
String values can include any alphanumeric values, plus the characters "-", ":", ",", " -", and ";". You can also include a dot (".") or space (" "), as long as the entire filter criterion is enclosed in quotes. For example: "Mr. Jackson".
Several search queries can also be joined together in the same string using an AND operator (accepted as "&&" or "&" or "AND"). For example, Job.Location="20 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA" AND Job.Name="Tuesday Job" to search for jobs that are both at the specified job address and that use the specified job name, or part of the name. Similarly, an OR operator (accepted as "||" or "|" or "OR") can be used to include several queries, any of which can be individually satisfied in order to return a valid search result. For example Job.Location="20 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA" OR Job.Name="Acme".
Complex queries can be constructed using brackets to contain several AND, OR and NOT queries. For example (Route.Name="Monday Route'" OR Route.Name="Tuesday Route") AND Route.Distance>=200.
The formatting of dates when shown in columns and on tool-tips, or when used as part of time-based search queries (such as when using 'startdate' and 'plannedstart' and 'plannedend'), is determined by the region chosen in your platform user settings (such as 'US' or 'UK'), not the regional settings of your PC. To set this region, and therefore the date formatting you want to use, click your account name in the upper right corner of the screen, and then click Settings. In the Settings dialog box that opens, click the User tab and then specify your region from the Region drop-down menu. For example, select 'US' for MM/DD/YYYY date formats, or 'UK' for DD/MM/YYYY date formats.
Once you have filtered the Jobs List, you can render the locations of these jobs on the map by using the Show Filtered Jobs button on the map toolbar. A maximum of 200 jobs in the Jobs List can be rendered on the map.
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