The Recurring Jobs screen includes a search field. You can enter a search term (such as a job name or preferred driver name) in the field to filter the recurring jobs list by that term, or you can enter an advanced search query.
The Search field on the Recurring Jobs screen accepts complex filter query strings with the following components:
Filter field
Comparison operator
Filter criterion
The search query strings must adhere to the following syntax:
<filter field> <comparison operator> <filter criterion>
For example:
Schedule.Location!="20 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA"
Schedule.Location="CA, USA"
Schedule.Tag="Dangerous Goods"
Filter strings are not case-sensitive.
Filter criteria text strings that contain spaces, such as "Dangerous Goods", must be contained within single or double quotes. For example, the following strings are accepted: Schedule.Tag=DangerousGoods and Schedule.Tag="Dangerous Goods". The string Schedule.Tag=Dangerous Goods would return all jobs with a tag that has the word "Dangerous" in its name.
The components of an advanced search query are described below:
Filter field: The fields the filter is applied to. You can specify filters for any of the following:
Schedule.Name: The name of the job, as specified in the Name field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.AllowedVarianceBefore: The number of days the delivery can be made before the usual delivery day, as specified in the Days before field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Frequency tab
Schedule.AllowedVarianceAfter: The number of days the delivery can be made after the usual delivery day, as specified in the Days after field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Frequency tab
Schedule.StartDate: The earliest date that the recurring job can be delivered, as specified in the Start Date field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.EndDate: The latest date that the recurring job can be delivered, as specified in the End Date field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab > Set end date link
Schedule.BaseDate: The date that the recurring job is delivered, as specified in the Base Date field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Frequency tab
Schedule.Marker: The name of the marker where this job takes place
Schedule.Location: The location of the job as a street address, as specified in the Location field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.JobType: The job type, as specified in the Job Type field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.Priority: The priority of the job, as specified in the Priority field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab. Currently one of Lowest, Low, Normal, High or Highest
Schedule.FixedTimeOnSite: The planned duration of the job at the customer site in hours, minutes and seconds (HH:MM:SS format) or minutes and seconds (MM:SS format). This value is specified in the Time On Site field on theRecurring Jobs screen > On Site tab.
Schedule.Code: The job code, as specified in the Code field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.Notes: Notes associated with the job, as specified on the Recurring Jobs screen > Notes tab
Schedule.PreferredDriver: The name of the driver who has been selected in the Preferred Driver field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.ForbiddenDrivers: The names of drivers who have been selected in the Forbidden Drivers field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.DriverRequiresTags: The driver requirements specified for the job, as specified in the Driver Requires field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.VehiclerequiresTags: The vehicle requirements specified for the job, as specified in the Vehicle Requires field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab
Schedule.Tag: Any tags associated with the job, as specified in the Tags field on the Recurring Jobs screen > Detail tab. Also accepted as "Schedule.Tags".
Schedule.Load: The loads that will be unloaded or loaded when servicing this job, as specified in theLoadsection of theRecurring Jobs screen > On Site tab
Schedule.CustomProperties: The value of custom properties, as defined on the Recurring Jobs screen > Custom Properties tab
Comparison operator: How the field value should be compared to the filter criterion. Possible comparison operators include:
Equals: "=" or "==" or ":" - this filters the recurring jobs list to show all jobs where the filter criterion matches all or part of the filter field's value.
Not equals: "!=" or "<>" - this filters the recurring jobs list to show all jobs where the filter criterion does not match any part of the filter field's value.
Comparison: "<" or "<=" or ">" or ">=" - this filters the recurring jobs list so that it shows all items who have the specified relationship between filter field and filter criterion (including on text fields and for custom field).
Filter criterion: A literal value that the filter field's value is compared to. Filter criteria are either strings or numbers.
Numeric values can include any of the digits from 0 to 9, the "-" sign, and a decimal point. For example, "-32.95".
String values can include any alphanumeric values, plus the characters "-", ":", ",", " -", and ";". You can also include a dot (".") or space (" "), as long as the entire filter criterion is enclosed in quotes. For example: "Mr. Jackson".
You can join several search queries together in the same string using an AND operator (accepted as "&&" or "&" or "AND"). For example, Schedule.Location="20 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA" AND Schedule.Name="Tuesday Job" to search for jobs that are both at the specified job address and that use the specified job name, or part of the name. Similarly, an OR operator (accepted as "||" or "|" or "OR") can be used to include several queries, any of which can be individually satisfied in order to return a valid search result. For example Schedule.Location="20 Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA" OR Schedule.Name="Acme".
Complex queries can be constructed using brackets to contain several AND, OR and NOT queries. For example (Schedule.Name="Monday Route'" OR Schedule.Name="Tuesday Route") AND Schedule.Tag="Dangerous Goods".
The formatting of dates when shown in columns and on tooltips, or when used as part of time-based search queries (such as when using 'timeonsite'), is determined by the region chosen in your platform user settings (such as 'US' or 'UK'), not the regional settings of your PC. To set this region, and therefore the date formatting you want to use, click your account name in the upper right corner of the screen, then click Settings to open the Settings dialog box. Click the User tab then specify your region from the Region drop-down menu.. For example, select 'US' for MM/DD/YYYY date formats, or 'UK' for DD/MM/YYYY date formats.
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