The following topics describe common tasks that you are likely to perform on a regular basis:
Specifying Columns: Select which columns of information appear in lists.
Sorting Lists: Sort lists of information in ascending or descending order.
Filtering Jobs and Routes: Filter jobs and routes based on string queries.
Filtering Recurring Jobs: Filter recurring jobs based on string queries.
Grouping Routes by Driver: Group the routes shown in the routes list by their driver, and view routes for up to seven consecutive days.
Viewing Routes on the Map: Draw a route highlight (a graphical representation of actual turn-by-turn street directions) on the map.
Viewing Jobs on the Map: Zoom the map to a job location.
Changing the Map Style: Changing the appearance of the map, and viewing satellite imagery.
Viewing All Unassigned Jobs: Filter the Jobs List so it displays only jobs that have not yet been assigned to a route.
Sorting Jobs by Route Order: Filter the Jobs List to display jobs in their scheduled route order.
Evaluating Route and Job Warnings: Identify job and route warnings, and find more information about them.
Importing Jobs and Routes: Import jobs or routes using .csv or .xlsx format files.
Configuring Route and Job Warnings: Specify which exceptions are treated as critical violations, and which non-critical.
Configuring Real-Time Job Warnings: Specify which types of real-time job alerts are treated as critical or non-critical, how they are shown in the user interface, and which are hidden.
Managing Vehicle Loads: Define capacity metrics and specify the capacity of each vehicle so loads are optimized across the vehicles in your fleet.
Using the Mid-Route Return to Depot Feature: Specify whether your vehicles are automatically routed back to their depots for re-loading when they do not have product capacity aboard to meet the requirements of a stop.
Adding Additional Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs: Define more than one depot along a route from where your drivers pick up or drop off items for a job.
Configuring Custom Job Properties: Specify custom properties that are allowed for all jobs.
Specifying Driver Pay Rates: Set normal or overtime pay rates for individual drivers, overriding their territory-specified pay rates.
Viewing the User Action History Panel: View past route and job updates, who carried them out and when, in a combined History panel.
Viewing the Violations Panel: View all violations for a given day, and the times and routes they relate to.
Viewing the Job and Route History: View past job and route updates, who carried them out and when, in separate History lists for either jobs or routes.
Configuring Dispatch Preferences: Specify how Dispatch behaves when first opened; and what route and job actions require either permission to commence, or a confirmation message once completed.
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