This screen shows Hours of Service events for the drivers that you have permission to access.If you are using Hours of Service version 3.22 or later, any events that do not have a driver assigned to them display as driving periods on the Unidentified Driving tab.
The Events tab on the Hours of Service screen lists all hours of service events recorded against your vehicles and drivers. You can use this screen to perform these tasks:
Create a new event (status change event only).
Edit event details (for manually created ELD events, and manually or automatically created AOBRD events).
You can select the start and end dates of the time range for which you want to see hours of service events using the calendar controls in the upper left corner of the screen.
If you have a large number of drivers, you can use the Fleet selector to choose a fleet of vehicles to list or the Filter to display only drivers or vehicles that match a specified search term. To clear the search term filter, click the x inside the Filter box.
Use the Show drop-down list to show the following events in the table:
All: All hours of service events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down).
Attention Needed: Hours of service events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down), for vehicles that include events needing attention. Events need attention if they do not have an assigned driver. The events that need attention have a check box next to them that you can select.
Use the Status drop-down list to show events with the following statuses:
All: All hours of service events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down).
Active: All events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down) that are not "Inactive", "Pending", or "Rejected". These events can be edited if they were manually created and if the event does not have pending changes that are waiting for driver approval.
Inactive: All events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down) that are no longer active and cannot be edited. These events are inactive because of one of the following reasons:
A driver deleted the event.
You or another user edited the event and the driver accepted the changes. The original version of the event is now inactive.
The event did not have a driver assigned, and you or another user assigned a driver to the event. The original version of the event is now inactive, even if the driver accepts or rejects the event.
Pending: All events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down) that have either been created, edited, or assigned to a driver, and that are waiting for driver approval in the Hours of Service app. Depending on whether drivers accept or reject these events, the events' status changes to "Active" or "Rejected". These events cannot be edited.
Rejected: All events for the specified time period and other criteria (if filtered or narrowed down) that have either been created, edited, or assigned to a driver, and that drivers have rejected in the Hours of Service app. These events cannot be edited.
The Events tab lists all entries under the following columns:
Event: The hours of service event, for example, "Off Duty" for status changes to off duty or "Login" for events when the driver logged in to Hours of Service. If this event has a status of "Inactive", "Pending", or "Rejected", the status is appended to the event's name.
Time: The date and time at which the event occurred. Click this link to filter on events for the selected date and this event's associated vehicle.
Driver ID: The identification number of the driver, who is responsible for this event. This field is empty, if no driver is assigned to this event.
Driver: The name of the driver, who is responsible for this event. This field states "No Driver", if no driver is assigned to this event.
User: The username of the driver, who is responsible for this event. This field is empty, if no driver is assigned to this event.
Vehicle: The name of the vehicle that the event was recorded against. Click this link to filter on events for the selected vehicle and this event's associated date. This field states "No Vehicle" if no vehicle is assigned to this event (for example, for events that occur in Kiosk mode, where drivers sign in to a standalone version of Hours of Service running in a browser, to start their work shift before selecting a vehicle).
Location: The location, where the event occurred. This field states "Location unavailable", if no GPS connection exists at the time of the event.
Comments: An optional comment that the driver added when changing status, manually adding the status change event, or editing the status change event.
To view the event details for an hours of service status change event click the event name.
The Event Detail dialog box opens. It contains details about the selected event and the following tabs:
Details: This contains further details that have been recorded for the event.
Activity: This contains a list of actions that have been performed on this event. For example, creating or editing the event.
For descriptions of the HOS event types see:
Section 4.5.1 in Technical Standard for Electronic Logging Devices (Canada)
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