The Drivers tab on the Hours of Service screen lists all drivers using Hours of Service. You can use this screen to perform these tasks:
Create a new HOS event. (Status change event only)
Edit an HOS event. (Applicable to HOS v3.1 or later. For manually created ELD events, and manually or automatically created AOBRD events.)
You can use the calendar tools in the upper left corner of the screen to select a date range for hours or service summaries and reports. Select or clear the Show Violations and Show Sensor Failures check boxes to specify if this information is included in the reports.
If you have a large number of drivers, you can use the Team drop-down menu to view just the drivers from a specific team. Click Show All Drivers on the Team drop-down menu to return to the full list of drivers in all teams.
You can also use the Filter field to display only drivers who match a specified search term. To clear the search term filter, click the x inside the Filter field.
The Drivers tab lists hours of service summaries for each of your drivers under the following columns:
To see a detailed view for an individual driver click the driver's name or the button next to the driver:
Name: The driver's name. Click the driver's name to open a screen that contains the status details for each individual 24-hour period within the summary period.
ID: The driver's unique identifier.
Status: The status of the driver's reports for the summary period. Options are:
In Violation: The records contain driving violations.
Not signed: The records have not been signed.
No reports: No logs have been recorded.
blank: The driver's status is "OK".
Time Remaining: The total time (in the format [hours]:[minutes]) remaining before the driver should stop driving to avoid exceeding a limit. Text shown in orange indicates that the driver has less than an hour before running out of time. Text shown in red indicates that the driver has run out of time and should not drive. The limits that you see depend on your rule set:
Hour x: The limits for all rule sets except for Canada South. For example, Hour 8 displays the federal 8-hour rest break limit, and Hour 11 displays the 11-hour driving limit.
Shift x: The limits that apply within a work shift. For example, Shift 13 displays the 13-hour driving limit within a work shift, and Shift 16 displays the 16-hour limit for elapsed time on duty or driving. (Canada South rules only)
Daily x: The limits that apply within a 24-hour period. For example, Daily 13 displays the 13-hour driving limit within a 24-hour period. (Canada South rules only)
Daily Off: The accumulated 10-hour off-duty limit required within a 24-hour period. This limit also includes off-duty periods that are shorter than 30 minutes. (Canada South rules only)
Daily Driving Deferral: This is displayed instead of Daily 13 if a driver is eligible for a deferral of off-duty time from one day to the next. If eligible, drivers can drive up to 2 hours longer on day 1, if they reduce their driving time by the same amount on day 2. (Canada South rules only)
Daily On Duty Deferral: This is displayed instead of Daily 14 if a driver is eligible for a deferral of off-duty time from one day to the next. If eligible, drivers can be on duty for up to 2 hours longer on day 1, if they reduce their on-duty time by the same amount on day 2. (Canada South rules only)
Cycle 70 / Cycle 120: The limits that apply within a 70 or 120-hour cycle. For example, Cycle 70 displays the 70-hour on-duty limit. (Canada South rules only)
Cycle Off: The accumulated 24-hour off-duty limit required within a 336-hour period, which is equivalent to 14 days. (Canada South rules only)
Time Zone: The time zone the driver is operating within (for example, PST or EST).
Rules: The hours of service rule set that is used to check for HOS violations by this driver (for example, Federal, California, Florida, or Texas in the US; or CanadaSouth, CanadaNorth, or Alberta in Canada).
Last Updated: The date on which the hours of service reports for the driver were last updated.
Click a driver's name (or the button next to the driver's name) to expand the driver's HOS summary. The summary displays information for the date range specified with the calendar tool in the upper left corner of the screen. For the selected driver, the summary shows the following information:
Status: The status of the driver's hours of service reports on this day. Typically, this is No reports if no report has been saved, Not signed if the report has not been signed, or In Violation if the report includes an hours of service limit exceedance. If the report includes hours of service exceedances and has also not been signed, it is shown as In Violation.
Date: The date of this 24-hour period. Click the date links under this column to open the Driver's Daily Log report.
Date: The date of this 24-hour period. Click the date links under this column to open the Driver's Daily Log report.
View: Click the View link under this column to view the events recorded for this driver on this day. From here you can edit the event, if applicable, or create new events. If you are using WorkPlan with Hours of Service v2.x or earlier, you might see an Edit column and Edit links instead the View column and View links. Click the Edit link to edit a driver's daily log.
Reset: A reset icon
indicates that the driver restarted their weekly hours using the 34 hour break reset rule on this day.
Statuses: The length of time spent in each status during this day (Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving, On Duty Not Driving, Off Duty - Well Site (if applicable)).
Violations: A list of any hours of service violations recorded on this day, and the time period during which the violations occurred.
Vehicle Inspection Report: Click the DVIR date link under this column to open the driver's inspection reports for this day.
Send to FMCSA: Click to send the driver's HOS logs to the FMCSA or to Canadian officials.
Export data: Click to export the driver's HOS logs. You can either download them or send them to a list of email addresses.
To view the hours of service reports for individual drivers from the Map or Vehicles screens, click a driver's name (that is displayed either in the Vehicles screen > Driver column, or on the Map screen > Vehicles tab when viewing in a list view, or on the Map screen > vehicle info balloon), then click the "Hours of Service" menu option.
To view the hours of service reports for individual drivers from the Map or Vehicles screens, click a driver's name (that is displayed either in the Vehicles screen > Driver column, or on the Map screen > Vehicles tab when viewing in a list view, or on the Map screen > vehicle info balloon), then click the "Hours of Service" menu option.
To view the hours of service report for a driver:
Select a date range using the calendar tools in the upper left corner of the screen.
Click the name of the driver whose reports you want to view.
Click the date link under the Date column. The hours of service driver's daily log report opens in the Mobile Reports tab.
Click the date link under the Date column. The hours of service driver's daily log report opens in the Mobile Reports tab.
To return to the hours of service summaries, click the Hours of Service tab.
To view a driver's hours of service events:
Select a date range using the calendar tools in the upper left corner of the screen.
Click the name of the driver whose events you want to view.
Click the link under the View column. The event list for the driver opens. Unlike the list on the Events tab, which lists all events, this list displays events only for the selected driver and date, and only if the events are active. The list does not show events that have been marked as "Rejected" or "Inactive".
From here you can click New Event to create a new event for this driver, or click on an event to view more details about it or to edit the event, if applicable.
To view the event details for an hours of service status change event click the event name.
The Event Detail dialog box opens. It contains details about the selected event and the following tabs:
Details: This contains further details that have been recorded for the event.
Activity: This contains a list of actions that have been performed on this event. For example, creating or editing the event.
To view the vehicle inspection report for a driver:
Select a date range using the calendar tools in the upper left corner of the screen.
Click the name of the driver whose DVIR reports you want to view.
Locate the date of the report you want to view, then click the DVIR date link under the Vehicle Inspection Report column. The Inspection report opens in the DVIR tab.
To return to the hours of service summaries, click the Hours of Service screen tab.
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