The Edit Route dialog box is used to view and edit information about routes you, or Verizon Connect® Scenarios™, created earlier. Click a route name in the Daily Routes List to display this dialog box, or right-click a row in the Daily Routes List or the Route Timeline, or a highlighted route on the map, and select Edit from the contextual menu.
Most of the following fields can be edited on a route, including on routes that have been completed or are currently underway:
Route Name
Vehicle (other than for routes with a status of "Completed")
Driver (other than for routes with a status of "Completed")
Start Depot (if not completed)
Start Depot Time on Site
End Depot (if not completed)
End Depot Time on Site
Routing Behavior
Fixed/Variable Shift Details (Start time, Date, Hours. Max Hours, and Adding/Editing/Deleting Breaks
Routes can also be edited from the Route Overview dialog box.
Use the date control in the upper left corner of the Jobs List panel to select the date of the route to edit. You can also change day using the left and right arrows to move ahead or back one day at a time:
If the route list is long, use the search filter to search for routes with a particular name, vehicle or driver.
Type the name, or part of the name, of a route, vehicle or a driver. Filtering of the list is performed as you type.
Click the Clear button to clear the contents of the filter control.
Click the highlighted route name in the Daily Routes panel, or right-click the route and select Edit from the contextual menu. The Edit Route dialog box opens:
You can quickly access the territory, vehicle, driver and marker dialog boxes and screens from this tab by clicking on the 'details' button to the right of fields that support this functionality.
The Edit Route dialog box displays the current details of the selected route:
Route Name: the name of the route.
Route ID: the unique external ID of the route. This value cannot be edited.
Territory: the territory containing this route. If you change the territory in this drop-down menu, a warning message is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. The list contains only those territories that you have permission to access. If the territory you want to select is not listed, contact your administrator.
Vehicle: the name of the vehicle used to complete this route. A vehicle can be specified, or changed to a different vehicle, regardless of the status of the route as long as the route has not been completed, including routes that are already in progress.
Driver: the name of the driver used to complete this route. A driver can be specified, or changed to a different driver, regardless of the status of the route as long as the route has not been completed, including routes that are already in progress.
Start Location: the location where the driver begins this route.
Start Time On Site: the length of time the vehicle spends at the start location at the start of the route. The default value for this setting is defined for the selected vehicle under Vehicles > Edit Vehicle > Vehicle Information > Start Location or the equivalent territory default value (under Territories > Routing Settings).
End Location: the location where the driver completes this route. This might be the same location as the Driver Start Location or a different location if, for example, the route starts at a depot but ends at the driver's home.
End Time On Site: the length of time the vehicle spends at the end location at the end of the route. The default value for this setting is defined for the selected vehicle under Vehicles > Edit Vehicle > Vehicle Information > End Location or the equivalent territory default value (under Territories > Routing Settings).
Click the Save button to save any changes you make, or click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without making any changes to the route.
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