Jobs are the stops you schedule your vehicles to make on a route, at a marker location. These jobs can be deliveries, stops where your drivers perform tasks, locations where your vehicles make scheduled pick-ups of goods, and so on. Each job can be configured with its own name, location, delivery date and time windows, time on site, driver, load, and attributes.
Job-related topics in this section:
Creating Jobs: Adding new jobs to a scenario.
Creating Jobs Using the Forecasting Tool: Generating jobs that are similar to your current jobs for forecasting.
Filtering Routes for a Job: Filter routes to which a selected job can be assigned.
Grouping Jobs by Driver: Group jobs by their driver.
Editing Jobs: Editing the details of jobs you created previously.
Deleting Jobs: Removing jobs from a scenario.
Importing and Exporting Jobs: Exporting a file that lists all jobs in a scenario, and importing jobs from a file.
Locating Jobs on the Map: Locate jobs in the List or Routes panels on the map.
Forbidding Drivers From Jobs: Specifying drivers that are forbidden from completing a job.
Assigning Jobs to Routes: Assigning a new or unassigned job to a route.
Unassigning Jobs From Routes: Removing a job from a route in order to add the job to a different route, or so the route can be deleted.
Assigning Jobs to Route Drivers: Setting the preferred driver of jobs on a route to the current driver of the route.
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