If you do not have the Integrated Video app on your device, see Installing the Integrated Video app.
Use the search filter in the app Video List to find dashcam videos triggered by unsafe driving behavior. Note that, by default, the Video List displays only recordings from the past month.
To filter the Video List for a particular set of dashcam videos:
Log into the Integrated Video app on your device. The app opens the Video List, with the ALL tab selected:
Tap the Filter button
in the top left corner of the screen. The filter screen opens:
Select your filter criteria and then tap Apply. The list of videos is filtered to show only those that match your search criteria. The app indicates that you are seeing a filtered list of recordings by adding a red dot to the filter icon in the top left corner of the Video List. To clear the filter and see the full list of available recordings, tap the Filter button in the top left corner, then tap the three dots in the upper right corner. Tap Reset Filters and then close the filter screen by tapping the X icon in the top left corner.
You can filter videos by:
Fleets and teams, by tapping Limit the data you want to see. Select a checkbox beside Fleets or Teams to restrict your search to either or both, or tap the arrow to the right of either to select individual fleets and teams by name, and then tap Apply
Date range
Category (that is, by vehicle or driver name)
Triggers and events. These are:
Distraction - AI Dashcams only
Driver camera covered - AI Dashcams only
Food in hand
Hard acceleration
Hard braking
Harsh cornering
Near miss
Pedestrian collision warning - AI Dashcams only
Phone call detection - AI Dashcams only
Phone distraction
Posted speed exceeded
Road camera covered - AI Dashcams only
Rolling stop
Seat belt unfastened
Smoking - AI Dashcam only
Sudden force
Tiredness - AI Dashcams only
Traffic light violation
Viewed and unviewed status
Classification. These are:
Coaching status. These are:
Review pending
Coaching needed
Coaching not needed
Coaching complete
To find important videos quickly, tap the star icon to add the video to the Starred tab.
Videos are deleted from Fleet after 90 days. Download videos to your device if you want to view or share them after the 90 days is up.
You can request older videos within a certain time period, which depends on your data retention plan and location.
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