If you have already created one or more routes, and you want to repeat them again, you can easily and quickly generate duplicates of these routes and their jobs on future dates. You can then repeat routes and jobs as many times as required in the same order; for example, if you want to complete the same routes and jobs every week, or every day, for several weeks or months in a row, simply repeat the steps described below as many times as needed.
When you create a copy of an existing route, the copy uses the same route name, territory, vehicle, driver, start and end depot and time on site, shift, and driver break settings as the source route, but is given a new, unique, route ID. Likewise, copied jobs on the route use the same job name, driver, planned time on site, planned time window, load settings, job requirements, linked stop, tags, notes and custom properties specified for the original jobs but have new, unique, job IDs, and an arrival window adjusted to match the new job date (any of the 'actual' values for jobs that were completed in the past are also removed). Job violations present in the original route are also initially cleared in the copied route, but might reappear immediately if still present on the new route and job dates.
The Copy Routes button described below is only visible on the Daily Routes menu bar if the "Show Copy Routes" check box has been selected on the Dispatch Preferences screen. This feature is disabled by default.
If you copy a route containing recurring jobs, the copied jobs are converted to conventional one-off, standalone, jobs.
To create copies of existing routes and jobs:
Use the date control in the upper left corner of the Jobs List panel to select the date, or the date range, of the routes you want to copy. You can copy routes that have been created in the future, or routes that are up to seven days old. Change day using the left and right arrows to move ahead or back one day at a time. Once you have selected a date or date range, all routes that match your date selection appear in the Routes List.
Select the check box beside the route, or routes, you want to copy in the Routes List. If you want to copy every route that is visible in the list, rather than only selected individual routes, leave all check boxes clear (this action is limited to a maximum of 100 routes, however more than 100 routes can be copied if they are manually selected using the check boxes).
If the route list is long, use the search filter to search for routes with a particular name, vehicle or driver.
Type the name, or part of the name, of a route, vehicle or a driver. Filtering of the list is performed as you type.
Click the Clear button
to clear the contents of the filter control.
Click the Copy Routes button
in the Daily Routes menu bar. Note that the button is disabled if no routes have been selected, or if no routes are shown in the Routes List. The Copy Routes dialog box opens, with the date or date range of the routes you have chosen to copy shown highlighted in light blue on a calendar control. The text at the top of the dialog box indicates the date or date range you are copying, and the total number of routes these dates contain.
Select the date you want to copy a single day of routes to by clicking on a date on the calendar. You can move between months on the calendar by clicking the left and right arrows above the calendar control, or change month or year by clicking the month and year text. Once you have selected a destination date for your routes, the date is highlighted in dark blue on the calendar.
If you are copying routes from more than one day, the day you select on the calendar is used as the first day of the target date range. For example, if you initially selected routes over three days (say Monday to Wednesday) and there were routes only on the Monday and Wednesday, when you select a target date your routes will be copied to the day you select, and to the date two days following that date. In other words, the route copies are offset by the same number of days present in the original routes.
Click the Copy button on the Copy Routes dialog box and the selected routes are copied to the selected target dates. This process might take a moment.
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