When you sign in, from the Vehicles page you can view lists of vehicles you have Linked or Unlinked previously.
When you select a Linked vehicle, you can do the following:
View and edit the Vehicle Details, including the VIN, Odometer, Year, Make, Model, Color, and Fuel Type.
View the QA Status Report, in this page you can also add notes and images for the current QA.
The Status label is static, it requires a "pull down to refresh" action on the List Vehicles page to update the status, enter the QA Status page to see the live data anytime.
Select Start New QA to re-verify that everything is working correctly. For example, you may want to rerun the QA process after you locked the device in place.
Start New QA will reset data relates to that QA such as: Install notes and Install images.
Select View Install Images to view all images associated to the current install. Tap on the images to edit details or delete it.
If you started a new QA, you can find all the images of the previous QA here. All images will be deleted if you uninstall the device.
Uninstall a device from the vehicle to remove the connection in the platform.
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