The Verizon Connect® Dispatch™ web interface is composed of four panels. The controls available on each panel, and the tasks that can be performed from each, are detailed below.
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Jobs List: Lists all jobs for a selected 24-hour period in the future. Use this panel to select the day you want to view jobs for, and to filter jobs. This panel is also used to add, edit and delete jobs, to automatically assign selected jobs to the best route, and to unassign jobs that have already been assigned to routes. |
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Map: This panel graphically displays the locations of routes and jobs selected from the Jobs List, the Route Timeline, or the Daily Routes panel. Click and drag the map to move it, or use your mouse scroll-wheel to zoom in and out. Hover your mouse over a job in any of the three job and route panels to see a map animation indicating the job location on the map. Double-click or select a route using the contextual menu on either of the route panels to highlight the selected point-to-point route on the map, with numbers representing the jobs contained in the route and their order. Once shown on the map, right-click job numbers or route outlines to access map contextual menus, or to drag jobs between routes. |
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Route Timeline: This panel displays details of any single route selected by double-clicking in the Daily Routes panel. This panel can be opened by double-clicking a route in the Daily Routes grid; by right-clicking a route name in the Daily Routes panel or a highlighted route on the Map panel, and selecting Route > Open detailed view from the contextual menu; or by clicking the Information button on the Daily Routes panel (this panel is located in the lower-right corner of the screen). You can also configure whether this panel is open or closed when starting Dispatch using the Dispatch Preferences dialog box. Once open, a timeline displays all of the jobs for the single route, their names, locations, their scheduled start and end times and the planned time-on-site. Hover your mouse over each job to locate it on the map, and then right-click to edit, delete, unassign or assign to a route. Use the zoom buttons in the upper right corner of the panel to zoom in and out to view specific jobs, or drag the timeline left or right with your mouse to change the date range covered. |
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Daily Routes: This panel displays all routes for the selected time period as simple graphical objects, and is used to add, remove, display, and re-optimize edited routes. Like the Jobs List panel, this area includes a filtering system to search for specific routes, as well as options for moving jobs between routes. It also includes the ability to export route cards containing turn-by-turn job directions for drivers. |
When you are working in a dialog box, for example when you are editing a job or route in the list, you can save and close the dialog box by pressing "Ctrl + Enter" on your keyboard. The Save or OK button must be highlighted for this to work.
The Jobs List displays all jobs for a single 24-hour period specified using the Date Selector. This panel is used to add, edit, or remove jobs. Jobs can also be filtered by type, code, name or driver.
Note that the order of jobs shown in the Jobs List and the numbering of jobs assigned to routes shown on the Map and Route Timeline might not always be the same. For more information about why this can happen, and when, see Why are Jobs List Order and Route Order Sometimes Different?
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The Jobs List: Lists all jobs for the day. The Job Name column shows the name of the job. Click a job row once to view the route containing the job in the Route Timeline, or twice to zoom and center the Map on the job's location. To the left of this column are the following columns:
A variety of other column types can be shown or hidden using the column picker tool. Double-click a job row to center the map on the job's location, click the highlighted job name to open the editor panel, or right-click the name or anywhere on a row to open a contextual menu: |
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Date Selector: This tool is used to select days containing routes and jobs you might want to view or edit. Click the date text in the upper left corner of the screen to open the calendar selection tool. From this tool you can select any given day of the year. Below each date you might see a filled or clear blue circle marker. These markers indicate whether there are routes (filled blue circles), or unassigned jobs (clear blue circles) on that day. Hover your mouse over a day that displays these markers (containing routes or unassigned jobs) to see the number of routes scheduled for that day and the number of unassigned jobs that must be completed on that day. Click the Today or Tomorrow buttons to jump immediately to the current or next day on the selector. Note that if the currently-selected territory crosses midnight, this selector automatically changes to the following day while continuing to show as 'Today', and the routes shown in the Daily Routes list are updated to show those of the correct (following) day. Use the Day, Week or Custom buttons to pick a date range of jobs and routes: a single day, a week consisting of seven consecutive days from a specified start date, or a custom selection of between one and seven days. You can use the calendar to view routes and jobs scheduled to take place in the future, on the current day, and routes and assigned jobs that were actually completed over the previous seven days (routes and assigned jobs in the past are read-only). |
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Auto Assign, Unassign, Recommend, Add, and Remove: The Auto Assign |
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Jobs Filter: This tool is used to filter the Jobs List to include only the job type that you're interested in. Click the control beside Jobs to open a contextual menu, and then select from All, Assigned, Unassigned (+/- 7 days), Unassigned (Current Day), Jobs on Selected Routes, Selected Jobs or Jobs on Drawn Routes. If performing a job recommendation operation, an additional item, Jobs for Recommended Routes is shown indicating the jobs that are recommended to be assigned to the selected (highlighted) route. The job list applies your filter choice and updates immediately. |
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Jobs Search: Use this control to search for a specific job name, or for jobs assigned to a specific driver. Type a name into the Search control and press enter. Click the Clear Use the Jobs Filter and the Jobs Search tools together to refine your job filtering; for example, to filter all jobs that have been assigned to a particular driver. The Jobs List will update to include only jobs that match the specified filter criteria. |
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Job Menu: Use this button |
The Map panel occupies the majority of the browser window, and can be panned by dragging with your mouse, and zoomed toward your mouse cursor using your scroll wheel or to any selected area using the tool bar located in the upper left corner of the map.
Note that the order of jobs shown in the Jobs List and the numbering of jobs assigned to routes shown on the Map panel might not always be the same. For more information about why this can happen, and when, see Why are Jobs List Order and Route Order Sometimes Different?
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Map Tool Bar: This tool bar contains buttons and labels that adjust how the map is displayed, and how items such as routes and jobs are shown on the map:
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Layout Toggles: Use these controls to change the layout of the Dispatch user interface, specifying which panels to show or hide. Five layout options are provided:
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Territory Filter: Use this filter to display only routes and jobs for a specific territory on the map. Click the box to open the drop-down list, and then choose a territory from the list. The list contains only those territories that you have permission to access. If the territory you want to add is not listed, contact your administrator. |
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Job Color Selector: Use this tool to specify what determines the color of jobs shown in the Jobs List and the Daily Routes panels, and on the Route Timeline and the Map. Select Color By Status to indicate the job's status by its icon color: blue for 'Assigned', light blue for 'En Route', green for 'On Site'. and gray for 'Completed', and to highlight real-time job warnings using circular red or orange icons above the upper right corners of job icons. Select Color By Violation to color job icons by the type and severity of the violations or real-time warnings on each job: green when no violation or warning is present, orange for a non-critical violation or job warning, and red for a critical violation or job warning. Select Color By Route to color jobs on the map by the color used to represent the route they are assigned to. |
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Route Builder: Use this to open the route builder interface. From here you can automatically build new routes for a specified build period of up to seven consecutive days using all unassigned jobs, and assign them to the pool of available drivers and vehicles; or unassign all jobs from existing routes and rebuild them while maintaining their existing driver and vehicle assignments. This option is not available in all accounts. |
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Violations List: Click this button to open the Violations panel. Here you will see a list of critical and non-critical violations detected on the routes for the selected day. |
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History List: Click this button to open the History panel. Here you see a historical record of all changes made to routes and jobs. Like the Jobs List and the Daily Routes panels, this dialog box includes a filter to search for specific historical changes to jobs and routes. |
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Dispatch Preferences: Click this button to open the Dispatch Preferences dialog box. From here you can select the default behavior when performing Dispatch-specific tasks, such as assigning or inserting jobs, and whether the Route Timeline detailed view is opened by default when launching Dispatch. |
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Map Zoom: Use the Zoom In |
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Map Reset and Tilt: Use this button to reset the map to its standard top-down North-South vertical view. This button can also be used to tilt or rotate the map view by clicking and holding with your left mouse button, and then dragging left or right to rotate the map, and up and down to tilt the map. Release the mouse button to temporarily set the map to the new angle and rotation. You can also tilt and rotate the map by holding your right mouse button down and then dragging the map left or right to rotate, or up and down to tilt the map; or by holding the Ctrl key and then left-clicking and dragging your mouse cursor over the map. If you have rotated or tilted the map, click this button once to reset the map to its default orientation and top-down view. |
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Map Scale: The map scale indicates the relative scale of the map. As you zoom in and out using the mouse scroll-wheel, or the zoom buttons, or by dragging a zoom region, the scale updates to reflect the map's current zoom level. |
The Route Timeline detailed view is used to examine any single route in greater detail. Open this panel by double-clicking a route in the Daily Routes panel grid; or right-click a route name in the Daily Routes panel or a highlighted route on the Map panel, and select Route > Open detailed view from the contextual menu; or right-click a route directly (highlighted in gray) and select Open detailed view. You can also right-click a single job on the Map or the Jobs List panels and select Route > Open detailed view from the menu to open the panel. This panel includes functionality similar to that available in the Daily Routes panel, and from it you can modify job details, change the order of jobs in the route, and remove jobs from the route. You can specify whether this panel is open or closed by default using the Dispatch Preferences dialog box (described in the Map Panel section above). Once opened, click a different route in the Daily Routes panel grid (the route graphic or row that is, not the name of the route) to change the view to that route.
Note that the order of jobs shown in the Jobs List and the numbering of jobs assigned to routes in the Route Timeline might not always be the same. For more information about why this can happen, and when, see Why are Jobs List Order and Route Order Sometimes Different?
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Timeline Duration: This bar shows the number of hours represented in the current timeline view. The timeline is divided into blocks, each representing a single 15 minute period of time. As you zoom in or out of the timeline, the number of hours included in the timeline changes. Similarly, as you adjust the period covered by the timeline by dragging sideways in either direction after you zoom in, the exact route time period covered will change. |
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Jobs: These are the customer jobs scheduled in the route. The number shown on the job indicates the order it is scheduled to be carried out in the route. Hover your mouse over an individual job to view a summary of the job, including its name, location, when it is scheduled to occur and the planned time-on-site duration. Move your mouse over the job to highlight the job's location on the map. The order of each job, the time between each job, and the estimated time-on-site required for each is visually represented by the order of the jobs in the timeline, the spacing between them, and the width of the green jobs icons. Green indicates that the job is valid. A red job indicates that the job violates one or more critical job constraints. Right-click a job to open a contextual menu to edit the job's values, delete it; display its location on the map; and assign or unassign the job to or from a route. Drag jobs sideways in the route timeline to change their order in the route. Hover your mouse over the job to view a gray bar indicating the job's location and permitted delivery time window. |
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Zoom and Close Buttons: The Zoom In |
The Daily Routes panel lists all routes for the selected day, and includes options for adding, editing and deleting routes. It also includes a search tool to filter routes based on their name, or the driver's name, and tools to manipulate which routes should be rendered on the map, and how.
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Routes List: Lists all routes for the day selected using the Date Selector at the top of the Jobs List panel. These routes can be in the future, on the current day, or on any of the previous seven days in each territory you have configured. Each row contains one route, graphically displayed as a timeline containing icons positioned to illustrate the scheduled time of each job in the route, the relative length spent on site for each job, the interval between jobs, and the order of jobs in the route. Jobs are represented by green squares (or red squares, if a warning violation has been generated for the job) above a gray bar representing the route. The gray route bar and the green job icons are positioned relative to the time of day, as represented by the hourly intervals that stretch across at the top row of the list. The Route column to the left of the routes list shows the name of each route. Click the Highlight button |
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Violations: This column displays the total number route violations, if any, caused by adjustments made to jobs or routes. Click the number beside the route in this column to open a dialog box containing full details of the violations for that route. |
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Re-Sequence: This button is used to recalculate the route along the roadways between each job, and the order and timing of jobs within routes. When a route is changed, for example if new jobs are added or existing jobs are removed from it, the route will be re-calculated automatically. The Re-Sequence button adjusts the position of jobs within the selected routes, if needed. To the left of this button, the number of routes currently selected on the Routes List is shown in brackets. In the example above, this number is 17. |
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Re-Evaluate: This button is used to recalculate route cost, distance, driving times and violations for all routes visible in the Routes List. This feature is helpful if you have made changes to your route settings. Use this option when you only want updated values, and don't want to re-sequence existing routes, which might result in re-ordering of the jobs in your existing routes. |
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Reverse Routes: This button is used to reverse the order of jobs within the selected routes. Only jobs within routes with a status of 'Not Started' or 'In Progress' can be reversed, and only the jobs within the route are reversed: the start and end depot locations specified in the original route are retained. If the route is already in progress, the order of any completed jobs is not changed, only those that have not yet started, jobs that were missed, and any jobs with a status of 'En Route'. Jobs scheduled to be completed but not, and therefore marked as missed, might also be moved to a future time within the route and therefore no longer marked as missed. When the order of jobs in a route is reversed, the cost of the route is automatically recalculated. |
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Add and Remove Buttons: The Add |
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Copy Routes: The Copy Routes |
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Total Cost: Displays the estimated total cost of all routes displayed on the Daily Routes panel. The cost of individual routes is based on route distance, vehicle fuel costs, average fuel consumption, shift length and driver pay rates. The total cost is calculated by adding the cost of each individual route currently visible on the panel together. |
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FilterControl: Filters the Routes List to include only routes that have been selected, or only routes containing selected jobs, or only routes that are currently showing on the map. That is, routes in the Routes List that have a checkbox beside them selected, or routes containing jobs that have a checkbox beside them selected on the Jobs List. To draw these routes on the map, click the Highlight button |
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Search Control: This control filters all routes in the list using route and driver names. To search for a specific route name, or for routes assigned to a driver, type a name into the Search control. As you begin to type, the list is filtered by letter, and then word. Click the Clear button |
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Show Detailed Route: Click the Information |
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Route Menu: Use the More button |
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