The Unit Health report shows all NRU (Non-Reporting Unit) periods recorded in the specified timeframe for vehicles assigned to a specific hierarchy node and any of its child nodes. This report includes four charts and a table.
The Unit Health report excludes units that do not have an ESN (electronic serial number).
The number of days that must pass before a vehicle is classified as an NRU is shown on the Customer Settings tab of the main Settings dialog box. This field is read-only, and the default is 7 days. Contact Verizon Connect support if you want this adjusted.
The charts included in these reports are:
Non-Reporting Unit Trend: A line chart showing the percentage of vehicles that were classed as NRUs during each week of the specified reporting period. The chart shows a minimum of 180 days of data. It shows a longer time period, if the selected time frame is longer. The total number of vehicles includes all vehicles that the user who ran the report has permission to see. Note that "during" the week means either of the following:
Started and ended during the week
Started before the week and ended during the week
Started during the week and ended after the week
Started before the week and ended after the week
Non-Reporting Units Aging: A column chart showing the count of NRU periods of various durations, for all NRU periods included in the report. Period ranges are: 0 - 30 Days, 31 - 60 Days, 61 - 90 Days, 91 - 180 Days, and 181 + Days.
Non-Reporting Units by Hierarchy Node: A bar chart showing a count of NRU periods by hierarchy node for all child nodes of the selected node (that is, selected node +1). To allow for more detailed reporting, there is one exception to the above rule: If "Active" is selected then show a count of NRU periods by hierarchy level 2 (if this exists); that is, selected node +2. For vehicles that are not in child nodes, the chart displays the name of the selected hierarchy node. If the selected node is a leaf node, then this graph is not shown.
Non-Reporting Units by Category: A pie chart showing the distribution of NRU periods by category (detailed in the Report Columns section, below).
The options specific to the Unit Health Report that you can set are as follows:
Time Frame: The days covered by the report. A drop-down menu allowing for selection of ten different time frame types, with certain additional specifications. This allows you to specify any time frame.
Include Tag Filter: Select the tags for the vehicles you want included in the report. The report will list only those vehicles that are currently assigned all of the selected tags. For example, if you select the “HeavyVehicle” tag, only vehicles that are currently assigned the "HeavyVehicle" tag will be included in the report.
Exclude Tag Filter: Select the tags for the vehicles you want excluded from the report. The report will not list any vehicles that are currently assigned any of the selected tags. For example, if you select the “BoomArm” tag, any vehicles that are currently assigned the “BoomArm” tag will be excluded from the report.
Fleet: The fleet of vehicles to include in the report. Select a hierarchy node from the list to include all vehicles from that hierarchy node and any of the nodes at lower levels. If you select the top-level node (that is, "Active"), non-hierarchy vehicles are also included in the report.
The Totals section in the upper part of the report displays the totals that have been calculated for the report. The categories in the Totals section are as follows:
Total Vehicles: The total number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node at the end of the reporting period. A percentage is not included.
Total Reporting Vehicles: Includes the following data:
The number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node that reported during the reporting period.
The percentage of units that reported during the reporting period. This percentage is calculated from the total number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node at end of the reporting period.
Total Non-reporting Vehicles: Includes the following data:
The number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node that did not report during the reporting period.
The percentage of units that did not report during the reporting period. This percentage is calculated from the total number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node at end of the reporting period.
Non-reporting Vehicles, Known Causes: Includes the following data:
The number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node that did not report during the reporting period, for which the reason for not reporting is known.
The percentage of units that did not report during the reporting period, for which the reason for not reporting is known. This percentage is calculated from the total number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node at end of the reporting period.
Non-reporting Vehicles, Requires Investigation: Includes the following data:
The number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node that did not report during the reporting period, for which the reason for not reporting is not known and investigation is required.
The percentage of units that did not report during the reporting period, for which the reason for not reporting is not known and investigation is required. This percentage is calculated from the total number of units within the selected reporting hierarchy node at end of the reporting period.
The table in the lower part of the report shows only those NRU that started at, ended at, or overlapped the end date of the report. This causes some data to show on the charts and in the table, and some data to show only on the charts. The counts between the charts and the table might not match.
The columns of a Unit Health Report are as follows:
Vehicle: The name of the vehicle.
VIN: The 17-character Vehicle Identification Number used to uniquely identify a vehicle.
ESN: The electronic serial number of the unit installed on the vehicle.
Make: The manufacturer of the vehicle.
Model: The model of vehicle.
Year: The year of manufacture of the vehicle.
Hierarchy Node: The hierarchy node that this vehicle is assigned to.
Last Reported Time: The date and time when the last report was received from the vehicle before the NRU period started. In most cases the Last Reported Time will be the same as the Non-Reporting Start Time, unless there are no points from the unit. In this case the Non-Reporting Start Time is the create time of the unit.
Last Reported Address: The street address of the vehicle when the last report was received before the NRU period started.
Last Reported Driver: The driver of the vehicle when the last report was received before the NRU period started.
Non-Reporting Start Time: The date and time when the NRU period started.
Non-Reporting End Time: The date and time when the NRU period ended.
NRU Period Length (Days): The duration of the NRU period.
NRU Category: The classification of the NRU. This can be one of "Incomplete Install or Activation", "Low Battery Detected", "Requires Investigation", "Weak Cellular Signal", or "Lost Power". Note that the "Low Battery Detected" classification occurs when the external battery voltage is between 2V and 12V. The "Lost Power" classification occurs when the external battery voltage is below 2V.
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