Speeding reports list the speeding incidents within the reporting period. Speeding incidents occur when a vehicle's speed goes too far above a specified speed limit. The amount by which the vehicle's speed can differ from the speed limit is given in the report settings.
The types of speeding report are as follows:
Fleet - Summary
Driver - Default
Vehicle - Detailed
The following screenshot shows a fleet summary report.
The fleet report includes a list of speeding incidents and a list of vehicles guilty of repeat speeding. The driver report and vehicle report lists the speeding incidents by driver and vehicle, respectively.
The options specific to speeding reports that you can set are described in the following sections.
The options available on the Advanced tab of the report editor are different for each report type.
Time Frame Options: Select the dates that the report will cover. You can select a predefined time frame from the Time Frame drop-down menu. If you select the "Specific Dates" option the From and To fields open. Select a date in each field, using the calendar controls. The Shift Filter options let you specify the times of day that the report covers. When you use a shift filter you can ignore “off” hours or create a "day" that begins on one day, crosses midnight, and continues into the next.
Fleet: The fleet of vehicles to include in the report. Select a hierarchy node from the list to include all vehicles from that hierarchy node and any of the nodes at lower levels. If you select the top-level node (that is, "Active"), non-hierarchy vehicles are also included in the report.
High/Low Speed Limit Division Point: The speed used to separate High and Low speed limits. Speed limits equal to or greater than this value are regarded as "High", and speed limits below as "Low".
Threshold Over Limit for High Limits: The amount that the vehicle can exceed the posted speed limit, when traveling in a "High" speed limit, before a speeding event is triggered. For example, when set to 10MPH and with a division point of 40MPH, speeding events will be triggered by a speed of 50MPH or more in a 40MPH zone, and 65MPH or more in a 55MPH zone.
Threshold Over Limit for Low Limits: The amount that the vehicle can exceed the posted speed limit, when traveling in a "Low" speed limit, before a speeding event is triggered. For example, when set to 5MPH and with a division point of 40MPH, speeding events will be triggered by a speed of 15MPH or more in a 10MPH zone, and 25MPH or more in a 20MPH zone.
Excessive Speeding Speed: The speed at which a vehicle is considered to be driving at excessive speed, triggering an excessive speeding event.
Repeat Speeding Threshold: The number of miles or kilometers per hour that the vehicle must reduce speed by below the "Excessive Speeding Speed" value before another speeding event can be triggered. For example, with a 75MPH value for excessive speed and a threshold of 5MPH, the vehicle must reduce speed to 70MPH or less before another event can be triggered by again traveling above 75MPH.
One Item per Page: Start each vehicle or driver on a new page of the report.
Show Hierarchy Level Columns: The hierarchy levels to be included in the report.
For these reports, Fleet uses the Speeding Threshold value set in User Settings > Speeding tab to calculate if a speeding incident has occurred. The threshold value is added to the posted speed limit value, and when a vehicle or driver exceeds the sum of the two values, a speeding incident is considered to have occurred.
If your report is empty, doing one or more of the following and then running the report again might help to populate the report:
Decrease the Speeding Threshold value set in User Settings > Speeding tab.
Increase the time range for the report.
Increase the number of vehicles or drivers included in the report.
Time Frame Options: Select the dates that the report will cover. You can select a predefined time frame from the Time Frame drop-down menu. If you select the "Specific Dates" option the From and To fields open. Select a date in each field, using the calendar controls. The Shift Filter options let you specify the times of day that the report covers. When you use a shift filter you can ignore “off” hours or create a "day" that begins on one day, crosses midnight, and continues into the next.
Driver or Vehicle: The drivers or vehicles to include in the report. Select a hierarchy node from the list to include all drivers or vehicles from that hierarchy node and any of the nodes at lower levels. If you select the top-level node (that is, “All” or "Active"), non-hierarchy drivers or vehicles are also included in the report.
Speed Limit: The speed limit for the vehicle or driver when the Is Fixed Speed check box is selected.
Is Fixed Speed: Select this check box if the speed limit for the vehicle or driver is the value in the Speed Limit field. If this check box is clear, the vehicle or driver speed limit is derived from adding the road’s posted speed limit to the Speed Limit field value.
Show All Vehicles: Include all vehicles in the report, even if they did not exceed the speed limit.
One Item per Page: Start each vehicle or driver on a new page of the report.
The columns displayed on the reports are different for each report type.
The columns in the first section are as follows:
Vehicle: The name of the vehicle that was speeding.
Vehicle ID: The internal (system) ID of the unit installed on the vehicle.
Driver: The driver assigned to the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Supervisor: The parent node in the hierarchy that has access to information about the vehicle.
Manager: The grandparent node in the hierarchy that has access to information about the vehicle.
Hierarchy: The hierarchy levels included in the report. There can be up to six Hierarchy columns on the report, depending on how many are selected in the settings.
Address: The location of the vehicle when the incident began.
Speed: The speed of the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Heading: The direction the vehicle was moving at the time of the incident.
Speed Limit: The speed limit that was exceeded.
Time: The date and time of the incident.
Speed Category: The type of speed limit that was exceeded - this can be a posted speed limit, an absolute maximum, excessive speeding, or an inferred limit based on road category.
The columns in the Repeat Speeding section are as follows:
Vehicle: The name of the vehicle that was responsible for more than the maximum number of speeding incidents.
Vehicle ID: The internal (system) ID of the unit installed on the vehicle.
Supervisor: The parent node in the hierarchy that has access to information about the vehicle.
Manager: The grandparent node in the hierarchy that has access to information about the vehicle.
Speed Events: The number of speeding incidents in one day.
Date: The date when the multiple speeding incidents occurred.
The columns in the driver report and vehicle report are as follows:
Driver/Vehicle: The driver assigned to the vehicle or the vehicle the driver was assigned to at the time of the incident.
Time: The time of the speeding incident.
Location: The location of the speeding incident.
Heading: The heading (direction) of the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Speed: The speed of the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Posted Limit: The posted speed limit at the time of the incident.
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