InSight Alerts™ reports list the alerts that have been triggered or the counts of alerts that have been triggered.
The types of InSight Alerts reports are:
Insight Alerts Detailed by Vehicle (or Driver): These reports list all alerts that have triggered, similar to the information in the InSight Alerts Inbox.
Insight Alerts Summary by Vehicle (or Driver): These reports list the counts of each type of alert for each vehicle in a fleet or each driver in a team.
InSight Alerts reports can cover only time periods within the last 2 weeks, because the system does not save data about InSight Alerts for longer than that.
Detailed reports have a row for every alert that was triggered, with details about the alert. The upper part of the report contains summary statistics, such as the total number of alerts and the total duration that alerts were turned on.
Summary reports have a row for every vehicle in the fleet or driver in the team. At the bottom of each column, the report provides a column total.
InSight Alerts are raised at a particular point in time. Data that is received after the alert might change the way the data is interpreted by reports. We therefore do not recommend running the InSight Alerts report to view HOS-related alerts for your drivers. Instead, we recommend that you view this information on the Hours of Service page, on the Drivers tab under the Time Remaining column.
The options specific to InSight Alerts reports that you can set are as follows:
Time Frame: The days covered by the report.
InSight Alerts: The types of InSight Alerts to show in the report.
Team or Fleet (depending on the type of report): The vehicles or drivers for which to show InSight Alerts in the report.
Show Empty Nodes: Specifies if the node tree view includes hierarchy nodes that do not contain any drivers or vehicles.
Include Tag Filter: Select the tags for the vehicles you want included in the report. The report will list only those vehicles that are currently assigned all of the selected tags. For example, if you select the “HeavyVehicle” tag, only vehicles that are currently assigned the "HeavyVehicle" tag will be included in the report.
Exclude Tag Filter: Select the tags for the vehicles you want excluded from the report. The report will not list any vehicles that are currently assigned any of the selected tags. For example, if you select the “BoomArm” tag, any vehicles that are currently assigned the “BoomArm” tag will be excluded from the report.
The columns of the report vary, depending on whether you are looking at a "Detailed" or "Summary" report.
Driver Name: The driver's name. In some formats of the Insight Alerts Detailed by Driver report, the driver name appears as a section header instead of as a column.
Vehicle: The vehicle's identifier. In some formats of the Insight Alerts Detailed by Vehicle report, the vehicle name appears as a section header instead of as a column.
Alert Name: The name given to the alert when it was defined.
Alert Type: The alert type.
Time On: The time the alert came on. This is the time of the first report that indicated the exception occurred.
Time Triggered: The time the alert triggered. This is the Time On plus the minimum time to trigger has elapsed for aggressive alerts, or the time the next report from the vehicle was received after the minimum time to trigger elapsed for non-aggressive alerts.
Time Off: The time of the first report from the vehicle that indicated the exception was no longer occurring.
Duration: The amount of time the alert was on.
Trigger Address: The location of the vehicle when the alert triggered.
Trigger Marker: If the vehicle was near a marker when the alert triggered, this is the name of the marker.
Severity Color: The color associated with a given marker that the user can set under Setup InSight Alerts > Parameters.
Severity: The severity of the alert.
Trigger Speed: The speed of the vehicle at the time the alert triggered.
Posted Limit: The posted speed limit at the time the alert triggered.
For an InSight Alert to show in the report, Time Triggered must be within the Time Frame that you have selected in the report settings.
Driver Name: The driver's name. Applies to InSight Alerts Summary by Driver reports only.
Vehicle: The vehicle's identifier. Applies to InSight Alerts Summary by Vehicle reports only.
Total Alert Duration: The total of the duration (time the alerts were on) over all included alerts that triggered.
Number of Alerts Triggered: One column is shown per alert with the number of times triggered for each alert.
Total: The total number of alerts that triggered, over all included types.
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