This section describes the legacy daily summary reports. If you are using the new daily summary reports, see Daily Summary Reports.
A daily summary report lists daily summary statistics for each vehicle, including the time spent moving, the time spent idling, the distance driven, the number of stops, and the number of times the vehicle exceeded the speed limit.
If you are using the older Create Reports dialog box, there are four types of daily summary reports:
By Vehicle: A list of statistics for a single vehicle.
By Fleet: A list of statistics for each vehicle in a fleet.
By Driver: A list of statistics for each vehicle that a driver is assigned to.
By Team: A list of statistics for each vehicle that any driver in a specified team is assigned to.
For "By Team" and "By Driver" reports, the daily summary sorts summaries by driver, then by vehicle, then by date. For "By Fleet" and "By Vehicle" reports, the daily summary sorts summaries by vehicle, then by driver, then by date. Each row represents the summary statistics for a vehicle. The sum of each column is listed in the lower part of the report.
The options specific to Daily Summary reports that you can set are as follows:
Vehicle, Driver, Fleet, or Team: Which vehicles or drivers, or both, should be shown on the report.
One Item per Page: Formats the report so that each new vehicle or driver starts on a new page when the output format is not HTML.
Min Idle to call a Trip: The number of minutes a vehicle must be stopped or idling for it to count as the endpoint of a trip. If the vehicle stops moving for a shorter time than this, it is considered part of the travel time of a trip (such as stops at intersections).
Max Speed: The maximum speed the vehicle can go before the report lists a speeding exception.
Max Idle: The maximum number of minutes a vehicle can idle (stop with the engine running) before the idling time is reported as an exception.
Max Stop Time: The maximum number of minutes a vehicle can stop before starting a new trip. Stops longer than this threshold are reported as exceptions.
Min Idle Length: The maximum number of minutes that a vehicle must remain stationary for the trip that ends there to be included in the report.
Enable Grouping: When enabled, you can collapse multiple stops and trips into a single item. Once enabled, you can choose to group stops in three ways:
Stops at Markers: When this check box is selected, all consecutive stops at the same marker are collapsed into a single stop.
Minimum Travel Distance: All trips less than the specified distance are collapsed into the previous stop.
Minimum travel Time: All trips that are less than the specified time are collapsed into the previous stop.
The columns of the daily summary report are as follows:
Date: The day being summarized.
Driver: The first driver assigned to the vehicle on the specified day. This column appears in the third position for "By Vehicle" and "By Fleet" reports.
Vehicle: The vehicles whose movements are summarized. This column appears in the second position for "By Driver" and "By Team" reports.
Start Time: The time when the vehicle first started moving on the specified day.
End Time: The time when the vehicle last stopped (ignition off) on the specified day. Note that the vehicle may have moved that day after this time if the trip lasted overnight.
Time in Transit: The amount of time that the vehicle spent moving between the start time (column 4) and the end time (column 5).
Time on Site: The amount of time between the start time (column 4) and the end time (column 5) that the vehicle was not moving.
Total Route Time: The time from the start time (column 4) until the end time (column 5).
Total Idle Time: The time spent idling (ignition on but not moving) between the start time (column 4) and the end time (column 5).
Non-productive Idle Time: The amount of idle time (column 9) when no productive inputs were on.
Total On Time: The length of time the ignition was on between the start time (column 4) and the end time (column 5).
Total Distance: The total distance (in miles or kilometers, depending on your settings) that the vehicle moved between the start time (column 4) and the end time (column 5).
Speed Exceptions: The number of times the vehicle exceeded the speed limit parameter between the start time (column 4) and the end time (column 5).
Stops at Categories: The number of stops the vehicle made, grouped by the category of the marker where the vehicle stopped. If the vehicle made a stop that was not at a marker, the category is given as "Unknown".
Total Stops: The total number of stops the vehicle made. This is the total over all counts given in column 14.
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