Use the following procedure to create routes for drivers that are available. To do this, drivers must have a shift pattern assigned.
To assign shift patterns to your drivers:
In the upper left corner of the List panel, open the list menu and select the Drivers option. The Drivers list opens.
Click on the name of the driver to open the Driver dialog box.
On the Shift tab, under Shift Patterns, click Add.
In the first drop-down list select the shift pattern to use for this driver.
Select a date range from the date pickers for From and To.
(Optional) Repeat steps 3 to 5 to add more shift patterns for the same driver.
Click Save.
(Optional) Repeat steps 2 to 7 to add shift patterns to other drivers.
To create routes for available drivers:
In the upper left corner of the List panel, open the list menu and select the Drivers option. The Drivers list opens.
Select the check box next to each driver that you want to create routes for. Make sure that each driver has at least one shift pattern assigned.
Click Create Routes.
In the drop-down menu select the date range by clicking on the start date and then on the end date.
Click Create Routes.
The Routes list now contains new routes for the selected drivers, if the drivers were available during the selected time period. The names of the new routes use the format "[date] - [driver name] - [shift pattern name]".
Rebuild, re-sequence, or optimize your routes to incorporate the new changes.
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