Many of the panels in Scenarios display information about routes, recurring jobs, markers, drivers, vehicles, and jobs as lists. The visibility of the columns of information in these lists is controlled by the column picker, which appears in the title bar of each column.
To indicate which columns you want to display and which you want to hide:
Click any column picker on the far right of a column title bar. The picker appears as a downward-facing, gray arrow.
Click Columns in the drop-down menu, and then select the check box next to the name of every column you want to appear in the list.
The information shown under the columns for each list screen is described below:
Column |
Details |
Address |
The address of the job, including the country. |
Code |
The arbitrary code that is assigned to this job. |
Days |
The days of the week when the job can be completed. |
Description |
A free-form description of the job. |
Dis. Driver Tags |
The attributes that the driver must not provide to complete this job. |
Dis. Route Tags |
The attributes that the route must not provide to assign this job to the route. |
Earliest Date |
The earliest date when this job can be completed. |
Forbidden Drivers |
The drivers forbidden from completing this job. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the job. |
Job Type |
The type of job. If this scenario is synchronized with the Verizon Connect platform, the job type must be one that was defined in the Verizon Connect platform. If the job is part of a linked stop, this is the type of the primary job. |
Latest Date |
The latest date when this job must be completed. |
Linked Job Address |
The address of the secondary job that is linked to this job. |
Linked Job Location |
The latitude and longitude coordinates of a job that is linked to this job. |
Linked Job Marker |
The unique identifier for the marker of the secondary job that is linked to this job. When a job based on this recurring job is assigned to a route, a secondary stop to the linked job is assigned to the route immediately after this job. |
Linked Job Time on Site |
The time on site of the secondary job in a linked stop. The time on site is added on the Create Job > Linked Stop screen. |
Linked Job Type |
The type of the secondary job in a linked stop. The job type is selected from the Create Job > Linked Stop screen. |
Location |
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the job's location. |
Marker |
The unique identifier of the marker where this job is located. Markers are listed in the Markers list panel. |
Name |
The name of the job. |
Ordinal |
The position of the job in a recurring job. If this is the first job in a recurring job, the ordinal is 0. If the recurring job is for three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and the job is on the second Monday, the ordinal is 3. |
Preferred Driver |
The preferred drivers for completing this job. |
Priority |
The priority of the job. One of "Lowest", "Low", "Normal", "High", or "Highest". |
Recurring Job |
The ID or name of the recurring job that was used to create the job. |
Req. Driver Tags |
The attributes that the driver must provide to complete this job. These attributes could be a specific license category, training to handle a class of goods, or ability to operate one type of equipment. |
Req. Earlier Depot Tags |
The types of depots that must be visited before the job; for example, as part of a pick-up. |
Req. Later Depot Tags |
The types of depots that must be visited after the job; for example, as part of a drop-off. |
Req. Route Tags |
The attributes that the route must provide to assign this job to the route. |
Req. Vehicle Tags |
The attributes that the vehicle must provide to complete this job. These attributes could be a high load capacity, a crane, PTO capabilities, or a refrigeration unit. |
Route |
The route the job is assigned to. |
Tags |
The arbitrary attributes that are associated with this job. |
Time On Site |
The length of time that a driver is expected to spend at the customer site servicing this job. The units can be hours (h), minutes (m), and seconds (s). |
Time Window 2 End |
The end time of the job's second time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window 2 Start" and "Time Window 2 End". |
Time Window 2 Start |
The start time of the job's second time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window 2 Start" and "Time Window 2 End". |
Time Window End |
The end time of the job's time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window Start" and "Time Window End". |
Time Window Start |
The start time of the job's time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window Start" and "Time Window End". |
Violations |
This column shows a Violations icon |
Zone |
The zone that this job is located in. If the zone is assigned to a driver, this job gets assigned to that driver. |
[Custom] Custom |
The custom properties specified on this job. |
Column |
Details |
Address |
The address of the recurring job. |
Base Date |
The day of the week on which to base the recurring job. If the base date is a Monday, recurring jobs can be scheduled on Mondays within the given month. If you also define "Vary Before" or "Vary After", recurring jobs can be on the given number of days on either side of a Monday. The base date can be later than the delivery dates. |
Code |
The arbitrary code that is assigned to the recurring job. |
Days |
The days of the week a job can be scheduled when using this recurring job. |
Description |
A free-form description of the recurring job. |
Dis. Driver Tags |
The attributes that the driver must not provide to assign the recurring job to the route. |
Dis. Route Tags |
The attributes that the route must not provide to assign the recurring job to the route. |
Earliest Date |
The earliest date when a job based on the recurring job can start. |
Errors |
The description of an error that has occurred for this recurring job. |
Forbidden Drivers |
The drivers forbidden from completing jobs that are based on this recurring job. |
Frequency |
How often does a recurring job need to be completed per period. For example, 3 times per week. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the recurring job. |
Interval |
At which interval does a recurring job need to be completed. For example, every 3 weeks. |
Job Type |
The job type for the scheduled job. |
Latest Date |
The latest date when a job based on the recurring job can start. |
Linked Job Address |
The address of a job that is linked to this scheduled job. |
Linked Job Location |
The latitude and longitude coordinates of a job that is linked to this scheduled job. |
Linked Job Marker |
The unique identifier for the marker of a job that is linked to this job. When a job based on this recurring job is assigned to a route, a secondary stop to the linked job is assigned to the route immediately after this job. |
Linked Job Time on Site |
The time on site for a job that is linked to this scheduled job. |
Location |
The longitude and latitude coordinates of the scheduled job's location. |
Marker |
The unique identifier for the marker where this scheduled job is located. The marker is listed in the Markers list panel. |
Name |
The name of the recurring job. |
Preferred Driver |
The preferred driver for jobs that are based on this recurring job. |
Priority |
The priority of the scheduled job. One of "Lowest", "Low", "Normal", "High", or "Highest". |
Req. Driver Tags |
The attributes that the driver must provide to assign the scheduled job to the route. |
Req. Earlier Depot Tags |
The types of depots that must be visited before the recurring job; for example, as part of a pick-up. |
Req. Later Depot Tags |
The types of depots that must be visited after the recurring job; for example, as part of a drop-off. |
Req. Route Tags |
The attributes that the route must provide to assign the scheduled job to the route. |
Req. Vehicle Tags |
The attributes that the vehicle must provide to assign the scheduled job to the route. |
Tags |
The arbitrary attributes that are associated with the scheduled job. |
Target Date |
The date when a job based on this recurring job can be created. It is based on the "Base Date", but, unlike the base date, must be within the date range in which jobs can be scheduled. |
Time on Site |
The length of time that a driver is expected to spend at the customer site servicing this scheduled job. The units can be hours (h), minutes (m), and seconds (s). |
Time Window 2 End |
The end time of the scheduled job's second time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the "Time Window 2 Start" and "Time Window 2 End" times. |
Time Window 2 Start |
The start time of the scheduled job's second time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the "Time Window 2 Start" and "Time Window 2 End" times. |
Time Window End |
The end time of the scheduled job's time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the "Time Window Start" and "Time Window End" times. |
Time Window Start |
The start time of the scheduled job's time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the "Time Window Start" and "Time Window End" times. |
Type |
The type of recurring job. For example, "One off", "Daily", or "Times per month". |
Vary After |
The number of days after the "Base Date" that a job can be scheduled. For example, if you set "Vary After" to 1 and "Base Date" is Wednesday, the job can be scheduled on either Wednesday or Thursday. |
Vary Before |
The number of days before the "Base Date" that a job can be scheduled. For example, if you set "Vary Before" to 1 and "Base Date" is Wednesday, the job can be scheduled on either Wednesday or Tuesday. |
Zone |
The driver zone within which the recurring job occurs. |
[Custom] Custom |
The custom properties specified on the scheduled job. |
Column |
Details |
Cost Per Hour |
The number of US dollars paid to the driver per hour worked. |
Current Shift Pattern |
The name or unique identifier of the driver's current shift pattern. |
End Address |
The end address for this driver's routes. |
End Location |
The end location, as a latitude and longitude coordinate pair, for this driver's routes. |
End Marker |
The unique identifier for the end marker for this driver's routes. |
Errors |
The description of an error that has occurred for the driver. |
First |
The driver's first name. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the driver. |
Maximum Route Days |
The maximum length, in days, that a multi-day route can be for the driver. |
Middle |
The driver's middle name. |
Name |
The driver's full name. |
Overtime Cost Per Hour |
The number of US dollars paid to the driver per hour of overtime worked. |
Shift Pattern End |
The date when the driver's shift pattern ends. |
Shift Pattern Start |
The date when the driver's shift pattern starts. |
Shift Patterns |
The names or unique identifiers of the driver's shift patterns. Shift patterns may not overlap. |
Start Address |
The start address for this driver's routes. |
Start Location |
The start location, as a latitude and longitude coordinate pair, for this driver's routes. |
Start Marker |
The unique identifier for the start marker for the driver's routes. |
Surname |
The driver's last name. |
Tags |
The attributes that apply to the driver. |
Vehicle |
The preferred vehicle for this driver. |
[Custom] Custom |
The custom properties specified for the driver. |
Column |
Details |
Address |
The formatted address of the marker, not including the country. |
Categories |
The category that this marker is in and that has been defined in the Verizon Connect platform. |
Country |
The country that the marker is in, as a two letter country code. |
Errors |
A description of an error that has occurred for this marker. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the marker. |
Intersection |
The map coordinates of the location where the marker's location intersects with the street (where the driveway meets the road). |
Location |
The map coordinates of the marker, as a latitude and longitude coordinate pair. |
Name |
The name of the marker. |
Notes |
Notes about the marker. |
Used By |
The entities (jobs, drivers, vehicles, routes, or recurring jobs) using this marker. |
[Custom] Custom |
The custom properties specified for this marker. |
Column |
Details |
Address |
The street address where routes for this vehicle start and end. |
Allow Ferries |
Whether routes for this vehicle are allowed to include ferry crossings. Either "Yes" or "No". |
Cost per {KM or Mile} |
The number of US dollars per kilometer or mile driven. |
Driving Speed % |
Percentage of the vehicle's expected speed. The default is 100%. |
Enable Historic Traffic |
Whether routes for this vehicle should consider historic traffic data. Either "Yes" or "No". |
Errors |
The description of an error that has occurred for the vehicle. |
Fixed Cost |
The number of US dollars for using this vehicle. |
Gross Weight |
The weight of the vehicle, with the vehicle's load, in the units defined in your user settings. |
Hazmat Load Types |
The type of hazardous material the vehicle may carry. One of "Non hazardous", "hazmat1", "hazmat2", "hazmat3", "hazmat4", "hazmat5", "hazmat6", "hazmat7", "hazmat8", "hazmat9", or "hazardous". |
Height |
The height of the vehicle in the units defined in your user settings. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the vehicle. |
Kingpin To Last Axle |
The length of the vehicle, measured from kingpin to last axle, in the units defined in your user settings. |
Length |
The length of the vehicle in the units defined in your user settings. |
Location |
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the location where routes for this vehicle start and end. |
Marker |
The unique identifier for the vehicle's base marker, where routes for this vehicle start and end. The marker is listed in the Markers list panel. |
Max Jobs on Route |
The maximum number of jobs the vehicle can service in one route. |
Name |
The name of this vehicle. |
Number Of Axles |
The vehicle's number of axles. |
Number Of Trailers |
The vehicle's number of trailers. |
Number Of Wheels |
The vehicle's number of wheels. |
Req. Driver Tags |
The attributes that the driver must provide to assign the vehicle to a route. |
Routing Entity Id |
A unique identifier. |
Same-side Routing |
Whether the vehicle must approach a stop on the same side of the road as the stop entrance, preventing crossing the street and oncoming lanes of traffic. Either "Yes" or "No". |
Tags |
The custom attribute assigned to this vehicle. |
Time On Site at End |
The amount of time spent at the end location, for example for unloading the vehicle. |
Time on Site at Return to Depot |
The amount of time spent at the depot when returning to reload the vehicle. |
Time On Site at Start |
The amount of time spent at the start location, for example for loading the vehicle. |
Unladen Weight |
The weight of the vehicle, without the vehicle's load, in the units defined in your user settings. |
Vehicle Type |
The type of vehicle. For example, "Automobile" or "Straight Truck". |
Width |
The width of the vehicle in the units defined in your user settings. |
Column |
Details |
Allow Ferries |
Whether the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route is allowed to travel on ferries. |
Breaks Relative to Start |
Whether the break start times on this route are relative to the shift start time. |
Cost |
The total cost of the route in US dollars. |
Cost per Hour |
The number of US dollars paid to this driver per hour worked. |
Cost per {Kilometer or Mile} |
The number of US dollars per kilometer or mile driven. |
Date |
The date when the route starts. |
Distance |
The distance of the route in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
Driver |
The name of the driver assigned to the route. |
Driving Hours |
The number of hours that the vehicle will be driven while servicing this route. |
Driving Speed % |
The percentage of the speed at which vehicles are expected to travel on the route. |
Enable End Stem Time |
Whether to include the time it takes to drive from the last job to the end depot in the route calculations. |
Enable Historic Traffic |
Whether the route uses historic traffic data for making routing decisions. |
Enable Start Stem Time |
Whether to include the time it takes to drive from the start depot to the first job in the route calculations. |
End Address |
The street address where the route ends. |
End Location |
The map coordinates where the route ends, as a latitude and longitude coordinate pair. |
End Marker |
The identifier of the marker where the route ends. Markers are listed in the Markers list panel. |
End Time |
The time of day when the route ends. |
Fixed Cost |
The number of US dollars for using this route, excluding any variable costs for distance or driver pay. |
Gantt Chart |
View the routes in the route list on a Gantt Chart. This feature is available when you display routes in a list using the Display routes in a list button |
Gross Weight |
The weight, including load, of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route, in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
Hazmat Load Type |
The type of hazardous material that can be carried on the route. Applicable only to "truck" vehicle types. One of "Non hazardous", "hazmat1", "hazmat2", "hazmat3", "hazmat4", "hazmat5", "hazmat6", "hazmat7", "hazmat8", "hazmat9", or "hazardous". |
Height |
The height of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route, in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
Hours |
The total duration of this route. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the route. |
Jobs |
The number of jobs on the route. |
Kingpin To Last Axle |
The length from kingpin to last axle of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route, in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
Length |
The length of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route, in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
Link Multiday Route |
Whether this route is part of a multi-day route which continues on the following day. |
Max Driving Time |
The maximum time the driver can spend driving the route. |
Max Jobs on Route |
The maximum number of jobs the route can contain. |
Max Working Time |
The maximum total time of the route. |
Name |
The name of the route. |
Normal Working Time |
The total time on the route before overtime rates must be paid. |
Number Of Axles |
The number of axles of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route. |
Number Of Trailers |
The number of trailers of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route. |
Number Of Wheels |
The number of wheels of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route. |
Optimize Start Time |
Whether the route uses a variable work shift. |
Overtime Cost per Hour |
The number of US dollars paid to this driver per hour of overtime worked. |
Planned Start Time |
The projected start time of the route. |
Same-side Routing |
Whether vehicles on the route are required to approach a stop on the same side of the road as the stop entrance, preventing crossing the street and oncoming lanes of traffic. Either "Yes" or "No". |
Start Address |
The street address where the route starts. |
Start Location |
The map coordinates where the route starts, as a latitude and longitude coordinate pair. |
Start Marker |
The identifier of the marker where the route starts. Markers are listed in the Markers list panel. |
Start Time |
The time of day when the route starts. |
Tags |
The attributes that apply to the route. |
Time On Site at End |
The amount of time spent at the end location, for example for unloading the vehicle. |
Time On Site at Return to Depot |
The amount of time spent at the depot when returning to reload the vehicle. |
Time On Site at Start |
The amount of time spent at the start location, for example for loading the vehicle. |
Unladen Weight |
The weight, without load, of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route, in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
Vehicle |
The name of the vehicle assigned to the route. |
Vehicle Type |
The type of vehicle that is used for calculating the route. For example, "Car" or "Straight Truck". |
Violations |
This column shows a Violations icon |
Width |
The width of the vehicle that is planned to be used on the route, in the units that are defined in your user settings. |
{Custom} Custom |
The custom properties specified for this route. |
Column |
Details |
Stop |
The stop number or, if this job is at the depot, the Depot icon |
Arrival |
The arrival time of the job. |
Code |
The arbitrary code that is assigned to the job. |
Days |
The days of the week for which the job is scheduled. |
Departure |
The departure time of the job. |
Dis. Driver Tags |
The driver attributes that the job must not provide. |
Dis. Route Tags |
The route attributes that the job must not provide. |
Distance To |
The distance to the job site in kilometers. |
Earliest Date |
The earliest date that this job can be routed. |
Forbidden Drivers |
The drivers forbidden from completing this job. |
ID |
The unique identifier of the job. |
Idle Time |
The idle time of the job. This is time when the engine ignition is on, but there is no vehicle movement. |
Job |
The name and address of the job. Click on the job's name to open the Job dialog box, from where you can edit the job's details. |
Latest Date |
The latest date that this job can be routed. |
Location |
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the job's location. |
Marker |
The unique identifier for the vehicle's base marker, where routes for this vehicle start and end. The marker is listed in the Markers list panel. |
Ordinal |
The order of the job in a recurring job, if it is part of a recurring job. |
Preferred Driver |
The preferred driver for completing this job. |
Priority |
The priority of the job. One of "Lowest", "Low", "Normal", "High", or "Highest". |
Recurring Job |
The recurring job the job was created from. |
Req. Driver Tags |
The driver attributes that the job must provide. |
Req. Earlier Depot Tags |
The types of depots that must be visited before the job; for example, as part of a pick-up. |
Req. Later Depot Tags |
The types of depots that must be visited after the job; for example, as part of a drop-off. |
Req. Route Tags |
The route attributes that the job must provide. |
Req. Vehicle Tags |
The vehicle attributes that the job must provide. |
Tags |
The arbitrary attributes associated with this job. |
Time On Site |
The length of time that will be spent at the customer site servicing this job; typically in hours and minutes, or minutes, but may also include seconds. |
Time To |
The time remaining until arrival at the job site. |
Time Window 2 End |
The end time of the job's second time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window 2 Start" and "Time Window 2 End". |
Time Window 2 Start |
The start time of the job's second time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window 2 Start" and "Time Window 2 End". |
Time Window End |
The end time of the job's time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window Start" and "Time Window End". |
Time Window Start |
The start time of the job's time window. Drivers can arrive at the job site between the times defined in "Time Window Start" and "Time Window End". |
Unlink |
If this job is linked to another job, the Unlink option allows you to unlink the two jobs. |
Violations |
The violations generated by this job. |
[Custom] Custom |
The custom properties specified on this job. |
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