This topic describes how to build your own custom filters to narrow down any of the lists displayed in Scenarios. See Filtering Jobs and Routes for information on using predefined filters for filtering jobs to those that can be assigned to a selected route and filtering routes to those to which a selected a job can be assigned.
When lists of jobs, routes, drivers, vehicles, markers, or recurring jobs are long, it can be difficult to find the entry you are looking for. To help find items in these lists quickly, you can filter both the List and the Routes panels. You can use the filter to select properties and matching values to build up a list of one or more filter criteria. The filter criteria can be made up of the following items:
Property: The field to filter on. For example, driver, job type, or location.
Operator: The operator to use for comparing the property to the value. For example, "contains", "is", or "is not".
Value: The value to filter the property on.
And/Or operators: The operator that is used between filter criteria to determine whether all filters must apply or whether one of the filters can apply.
Follow these steps to use the filter:
In the upper right corner of the List panel or Routes panel, click Filter.
Open the Property drop-down list and select a property. Depending on the property you select, the other filter components that are available might change.
Click on the current operator, for example "contains", and select a new operator. The operators that are available depend on the property you select.
Depending on the property and operator you select above, the value has a different input form element. For example:
If you select the property "Name" and the operator "contains", you can type the value into a text box.
If you select the property "Start Location" and the operator "is any of", you can add multiple values into the text box. Type one value, press the "Tab" key, type another value, and press the "Tab" key again. Repeat this process until you have added all values.
If you select the property "Date" and the operator "after", you can select a date from the date picker.
(Optional) To add more filter rows, click Add Filter. To remove a particular filter row, click on the x at the end of the row. To clear all filters, click Clear All.
If you have more than one filter, you can select the "and" or "or" operator that applies to the filter rows. By default, "and" is used. To change the operator, click on "and", to the left of the second filter row, and select "or". All operators change to be the same: all "and" or all "or".
An "and" between the filter rows requires all filter criteria to be met in the results. An "or" between the filter rows returns results that include any of the filter criteria, so that not all criteria need to be met.
For example, in the filter shown below, if there is an "and" operator, the results show only if the driver name, location, and planned arrival date all match. If there is an "or" operator, the results show jobs where the driver name, or location, or planned arrival date, or a combination of these properties match.
Click Apply to start filtering your list.
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