The GF Co-Location report lists the stops longer than a minimum stop time that are made by vehicle that has the GF tag at sites where other vehicles are working.
The GF Co-Location report has three sections:
Summary by GF: Summarizes stops during the report time period for each GF vehicle.
Daily Summary: Further breaks down the summaries to totals for each day in the report period.
Complete Listing: Lists the details of every stop by a GF vehicle longer than the minimum stop time, sorted by GF vehicle and by date.
The options specific to GF Co-Location reports that you can set are as follows:
Hierarchy Node: Limits the report to only show GF vehicles visible to the specified hierarchy node.
Minimum Stop Length: The length of time the GF vehicle must be stopped to be included in the report.
Co-Location Radius: The maximum distance, in feet, between vehicles for them to be considered as a co-location. as co-location.
Override Goal Hours: Specify if the set Goal Hours are used as a report setting.
Goal Hours: The Goal hours to use for GF co-location.
Each row of the Summary by GF section lists totals for a single GF vehicle over the entire report period. The columns of the Summary by GF section are as follows:
Manager: The hierarchy node at the manager level (3rd from bottom) that can see the GF vehicle.
Supervisor: The hierarchy node at the supervisor level (2nd from bottom) that can see the GF vehicle.
GF vehicle: The GF vehicle (a vehicle with the "GF" tag applied) that stopped more than the minimum time at a location where another vehicle was stopped.
GF name: The name of the driver assigned to the GF vehicle.
Total Crew Visits: The number of stops made to locations where other vehicles are stopped that are not at markers in a category that has a name that includes the term "show-up". Note that only one crew visit is counted per stop, regardless of the number of vehicles that the GF vehicle is co-located with.
Total Goal (hours): The number of hours that the driver of the GF vehicle is expected to spend on crew visits.
Total Time On Site with Crews: The total amount of time spent during crew visits.
Plus or Minus Goal: The difference between Total Time On Site With Crews and Total Goal (hours). That is, the amount by which the GF driver exceeds or fails to meet the expected goal.
Total Transit Time: The total amount of time that the GF vehicle spent driving.
Total Distance Driven: The total amount of distance driven by the GF vehicle.
Total Showups: The number of stops made at markers in a category that has a name that includes the term "show-up".
Total Time at Showups: The total amount of time that the GF spent stopped at markers in a category that has a name that includes the term "show-up".
Each row of the Daily Summary section lists totals for a single GF vehicle on a single day in the report period. The columns of the Daily Summary section are the same as in the Summary by GF section, with one addition:
Date: The date for which summary statistics are given.
Each row in the Complete Listing section lists details about a single stop made by the GF vehicle (and, if there were other vehicles, one of the other vehicles at the same location). The columns of the Complete Listing section are as follows:
Manager: The hierarchy node at the manager level (3rd from bottom) that can see the GF vehicle.
Supervisor: The hierarchy node at the supervisor level (2nd from bottom) that can see the GF vehicle.
GF Vehicle: The GF vehicle (a vehicle with the "GF" tag applied) that stopped more than the minimum time at a location where another vehicle was stopped.
GF name: The name of the driver assigned to the GF vehicle.
Date: The date on which the stop occurred.
Arrive Time: The time when the GF vehicle stopped moving at the location.
Depart Time: The time when the GF vehicle started moving again after the stop.
Time on Site: The amount of time the GF vehicle was stopped (the difference between Arrive Time and Depart Time).
Transit Time: The amount of time spent driving from the last stop to the stop on this row.
Distance Driven: The number of miles or kilometers driven from the last stop to the stop on this row.
Trucks Visited: The name of another vehicle that was also stopped at the same location at the same time.
Location: The location (including marker name if the stop was at a marker) where the stop occurred.
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