If a job is currently assigned to a route, but that the job cannot be completed for any reason, it must be unassigned from its current route, and then re-assigned to a new route.
If a route is in progress you can still assign incompleted jobs on it to other routes. See the In-Progress Jobs and Routes in Dispatch Knowledge Base article for information on how to manage jobs on routes that are already in progress.
If you unassign the primary job of a linked stop, both the primary and secondary jobs will be unassigned.
Jobs can be unassigned from several different locations in Verizon Connect® Dispatch™:
From the Jobs List
From the Map
From the Daily Routes List
You can also quickly unassign every job on a route, if needed, or unassign jobs by dragging and dropping them to a specific location on the Daily Routes panel without opening any contextual menus.
To unassign a job using the Jobs List and contextual menu:
Locate the assigned job in the Jobs List. Use the status filter control to limit the jobs shown to those that are currently Assigned to a route. Assigned jobs are identified by the gray circles to the left of their names on this grid: unassigned jobs are identified by gray circles with a white fill.
To unassign a single job or several jobs at once, do one of the following:
Right-click the single job's name. The contextual menu opens. Select the Unassign from route option. The job is unassigned from its current route and can be assigned to another route.
Select the check box beside all of the jobs you want to unassign from their current routes, and then click the Unassign button
above the Jobs List. All of the selected jobs are unassigned from their current routes and can be assigned to another route.
This method of unassigning a single job is useful if the job and its route are already visible on the map:
Locate the assigned job on the map. The route that contains the jobs must be highlighted and visible on the map.
If the route is not visible on the map, find the job in the Jobs List or the Daily Routes List. Right-click the job's name to open the contextual menu, and then select Route > View on map. The map pans and zooms to the route containing the job. Hover your mouse over the route to view all jobs.
Locate the job on the map, and then right-click the stop number (the job can be shown on the map by right-clicking it and choosing Select). The contextual menu opens.
Select the Unassign from route option. The job is unassigned and can now be assigned to another route.
To quickly unassign a job from the map, the Daily Routes List or the Route Timeline panels, you can use a simple "drag and drop" method.
Locate a job on the map, or in the Daily Routes List or the Route Timeline and begin to drag with your mouse. As you drag the job with your mouse, the upper section of the Daily Routes panel is replaced with two dotted boxes. The left box reads Drop here to auto assign. The right box reads Drop here to unassign:
Drag the job onto the right Drop here to unassign box and release. The job is unassigned and removed from any route it is currently assigned to.
To unassign a job using the Daily Routes List and contextual menu:
Locate the route the job is assigned to in the Daily Routes List panel. The route that contains the job does not need to be visible on the map.
Place your mouse cursor over the job box on the route timeline. The job box grows in size on the route timeline (job 5 in the example below).
Right-click the job name. The contextual menu opens.
Click the Unassign from route menu option. The job is unassigned and can now be assigned to another route.
To unassign every job from a route, which can be useful if you want to re-use an older route or delete a route without also deleting its jobs:
Locate the route you want to remove all jobs from in the Daily Routes List panel.
Right-click the route name, or the route graphic, on the timeline with your mouse. The contextual menu opens.
Click Select jobs from the menu. All of the jobs on the route are drawn on the map as black circles, and highlighted and selected in the Jobs List panel. Every selected job in the Daily Routes List panel also changes color from green to blue.
Right-click any of the selected jobs on the Jobs List panel, or any of the blue selected jobs in the route timeline. The contextual menu opens.
Select Selection > Unassign from route from the menu. All of the selected jobs are unassigned from the route, which can now be deleted or assigned other jobs.
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