The HOS Status screen displays your current status, lets you switch between status codes, and shows time remaining before HOS limits are exceeded. This screen appears when you first tap the HOS button from the Home screen, or when you tap the HOS Status screen button in the title bar from the HOS Chart or Event List screens.
The HOS Status screen can contain the following elements (depending on how your account is configured):
At the top of the screen, you can see the currently active WorkPlan user. If you are using the co-driver option, this user might not be the current driver.
Underneath your username is your assigned HOS rule set (for example Federal 60, Texas 70).
The countdown timers differ depending on whether you are using a US or Canadian rule set.
See HOS timers in the US and HOS timers in Canada for the differences.
In both the US and Canada the timers are displayed in red when no time is remaining. If any of the timers are red, you must stop driving to avoid a violation.
See Violations and Breaks for more information.
Use the button to the right side of the countdown timers to view more detailed HOS status information.
The main body of the screen lists the various HOS status codes. Your current status is highlighted in blue, and any status codes that you cannot select are shaded light gray. The current status code also shows a timer that counts the time you have spent in the status. To change your current status, tap the button corresponding to your appropriate status.
Underneath the status codes is your currently assigned vehicle, displayed with an indicator showing the connection status to your vehicle. The indicator is green if you have an established connection with your vehicle. It is orange if you have lost connectivity to the ECM (engine control module) of your vehicle, but still have a connection to the VCU (vehicle control unit). And it is gray if you have lost VCU connectivity.
Underneath the currently assigned vehicle is the current driver name. If you are using the co-driver option, this driver might not be the same as the currently active WorkPlan user.
Use the co-driver button to open the Manage Users screen where you can change the current driver (Switching Drivers) and change the current user (Switching Users).
Use the Actions button to perform one of the following actions:
Review and certify unsigned HOS logs (tap Review).
Go to the Review Events screen to claim unidentified events or review carrier edits (tap Review).
Go to the Exemptions screen to enable or disable the general exemption, 16-hour exemption, CDL short-haul exemption, non-CDL short-haul exemption, adverse driving exemption, or utility service vehicle exemption.
Enter Kiosk mode to set a fixed event location
The settings that are available in the Actions menu depend on how your account is configured.
The malfunctions and diagnostics indicators show whether there are any connectivity issues or diagnostic information. The icons are colored if there are any issues. Tap the icons to go to the Indicators screen, where you can get information on current malfunctions or diagnostic issues.
In the US, the following HOS timers are shown:
Driving: Indicates the driving time you have remaining before incurring a violation
Day: Indicates the combined driving and on-duty time you have remaining for the day before incurring a violation. When you take a rest break during your shift, this timer continues to count down.
Week: Indicates the combined driving and on-duty time you have remaining for the week before incurring a violation
Break: This timer is shown only if you are using the Federal US rule set. It counts down from 8 hours when you start driving, after a rest break, and displays the time when you need to take your next 8-hour rest break.
In Canada, the following HOS timers are shown:
Driving: Indicates the driving time you have remaining, as part of this shift, before incurring a violation
On Duty: Indicates the combined driving and on-duty time you have remaining, as part of this shift, before incurring a violation. When you take a rest break during your shift, this timer is paused. When using the Canada South rule set, the timer is reduced by the length of the break if the break is less than 30 minutes. Any breaks that are 30 minutes or longer are not included in the On Duty timer.
Shift: Indicates the elapsed time of your shift, and shows how much time you have remaining, as part of this shift, before incurring a violation. 16 hours are allowed per shift when using the Canada South rule set, and 20 hours are allowed when using the Canada North rule set. When you take a rest break during your shift, this timer continues to count down.
Cycle: Indicates the combined driving and on-duty time you have remaining for the week before incurring a violation
There are no dependencies between these timers. Whichever timer reaches 00:00 first and turns red leads to a violation independent of the remaining time shown on the other timers. If any of the timers are in violation, you must stop driving.
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