The Event List screen displays a summary of your time over the last 8 days, displaying time spent in each HOS status for each day, and lets you drill down to view individual daily event logs. You can display this screen by tapping the Event List Screen button from the HOS Status or HOS Chart screens.
The top row of the table shows a summary of the time that you have spent in each HOS status over the past 8 days, It also displays the total number of miles driven over the same period.
The main body of the table contains one entry for each day in the 8-day period leading up to the current date. The columns contain the following information:
A restart indicator
in the far left column for any off-duty periods that have been used as a weekly reset.
A tick or a cross to indicate whether the HOS log for this day has been signed off.
The date of the 24-hour log period.
The time spent in each HOS status code during the specified period.
The distances driven on each day.
In the upper part of the screen, you can see the name of the active WorkPlan user and the rule set (for example Federal 60, Texas 70). In the lower part of the screen, you can see the name of the current driver and the assigned vehicle.
Tap in the upper right corner to send your HOS logs to a specified email address.
Tap the button to the right of each daily entry to view the daily log.
Tap View earlier day to view the HOS log for a day in the past.
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