This report is for Hours of Service v2.x users.
HOS log audit reports show an audit trail for an event. The reports list automatic changes as well as any manual changes the drivers or Fleet users make to an event. Manual changes might include the date, time, status, sub status, location or signature. The list is ordered by modification date and grouped by driver.
The options specific to HOS log audit reports that you can set are as follows:
Time Frame: Which time frame to cover.
Driver: Which drivers to include. You can select specific drivers, one or more teams, or an entire fleet.
The columns of an HOS log audit report are as follows:
Driver: The name of the driver.
Modified Date: The date and time the event was last changed.
Changes: The details of the changes that were made to the event.
Changed By: The name of the driver who made the changes or "-" if the event was changed automatically.
Remarks: Any notes the driver has made about the event change.
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