The following Hours of Service (HOS) reports are available, depending on the configuration of your account:
HOS Driver's Daily Log: Lists information about the hours of service reported by an individual driver over a 24-hour period.
Driver ELD Health: Shows driver details and the number of ELD (electronic logging device) events, malfunctions, and diagnostic events per driver.
Driver ELD License Check: Indicates if the drivers' usernames and driver's license details are correct.
ELD Diagnostics By Driver: Lists the failures for a driver and unit, with details about the failure. The reports are sorted by driver.
ELD Diagnostics By Unit: Lists the failures for a driver and unit, with details about the failure. The reports are sorted by vehicle tag.
ELD Log Audit: Lists all modifications made to an ELD event by a driver or Fleet user.
ELD Unidentified Driving: Lists all ELD trips that were not assigned to a driver.
HOS Available Hours: Shows how much time each driver has left for driving and for on-duty tasks before breaching HOS regulations.
HOS Driver Duty Status Summary: Lists all duty status changes for selected drivers.
HOS Driver Duty Sub Status Summary: Lists the duty status changes that have a sub status, along with its event type, for selected drivers.
HOS Enterprise Violation Report: Summarizes HOS violations per operating company within an enterprise.
HOS Log Audit: Lists all modifications made to an event by a driver or Fleet user.
HOS Sensor Failures: Lists all sensor failures for particular drivers.
HOS Summary: Summarizes the amount of time selected drivers spent in each duty status.
HOS Summary With Meals: Summarizes the amount of time selected drivers spent in each duty status, including time spent on meal breaks.
HOS Unassigned Miles: Lists trips that were not assigned to a driver.
HOS Unsigned Logs: Lists the occasions where selected drivers did not sign their log.
HOS Violations: Lists HOS violations made by selected drivers.
HOS Weekly Available Hours: Shows, over a period of 8 days, how much time each driver has spent driving or on duty per day, and how much time is remaining for on-duty tasks before breaching HOS regulations.
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