When you create breaks on a route, or assign jobs or depots to a route, there are limitations that you must consider regarding the maximum number that can be used on a single route. For more information about these limitations, see the Route and Job Limitations page.
Use the Route dialog box to enter the details of a new route. Once the route has been created, you can assign jobs to it. If you want to add several routes at once using an import file, see Importing and Exporting Routes. If you have already created routes and you want to edit their details, see Editing Routes.
To create a new route:
Click the Create Route button
at the top of the Routes panel. Alternatively, click the More menu button
in the upper right corner of the Routes panel and select the Create Route option. The Route dialog box opens.
Enter the relevant route details under each tab in the Route dialog box:
Overview: Specify basic information about the route, including its ID, name, start date, assigned driver, and vehicle.
Location: Specify the start and end locations of the route.
Shift: Specify the shift start and end times, working time, maximum driving hours, vehicle speed percentage, and stem time management of the route.
Breaks: Specify the relative or non-relative breaks that your driver will take on the route.
Routing Settings: Specify routing settings, such as vehicle type, same-side routing, and ferry crossing behavior.
Vehicle Specification: Specify vehicle restrictions for the route, such as dimensions, weight, and hazmat load types.
Tags: Specify custom tags to associate with the route.
Custom Properties: Add your own customer-defined properties to the route, which are shown on the Routes list and can be used to sort the grid. Note that this field should not include any personally identifiable information, such as actual names or contact details, as it will not be returned as part of a PII privacy request.
The Overview tab lets you add the following information:
Route ID: The unique identifier for the route.
Route Name: The name of the route. This field should not include any personally identifiable information, such as actual names or contact details, as it will not be returned as part of a PII privacy request.
Date: The date when the route begins.
Driver: The driver to use for the route.
Vehicle: The vehicle to use for the route. The default is "Auto-assign vehicle", which selects a suitable vehicle automatically. You can select a vehicle from the list or clear a selected vehicle to get the "Auto-assign vehicle" setting back.
The Metrics section displays costs, distance, working time, and driving time, after you have created the route.
The Location tab lets you add the following information:
Override Driver's Start Location: The default start location for a driver is set on the Driver dialog's Overview tab. You can change this location here.
Existing Marker: The existing marker to use as this route's start location. Leave blank and enter a street address if the marker does not yet exist.
Address: The physical street address of the location where the route starts.
Country: The country where the route starts.
Location The route's start location as a WGS84 latitude and longitude coordinate pair.
Override Driver's EndLocation: The default end location for a driver is set on the Driver dialog's Overview tab. You can change this location here.
Existing Marker: The existing marker to use as this route's end location. Leave blank and enter a street address if the marker does not yet exist.
Address: The physical street address of the location where the route end.
Country: The country where the route ends.
Location: The route's end location as a WGS84 latitude and longitude coordinate pair.
The Shift tab lets you add the following information:
Driver Pay
Normal Rate: The pay rate during normal working hours for the driver to use for this route.
Overtime Rate: The pay route outside of normal working hours for the driver to use for this route.
Working Hours
Shift Type: Whether the shift for this route's driver is fixed or variable.
Start Time: The start time of the shift for this route's driver. Applicable when the shift is fixed.
Earliest Start Time: The earliest time when the shift for this route's driver can start. Applicable when the shift is variable.
End Time: The end time of the shift for this route's driver. Applicable when the shift is fixed.
Last End Time: The latest time when the shift for this route's driver can end. Applicable when the shift is variable.
Hours: The standard number of hours of the shift for this route's driver.
Max Hours: The maximum number of hours that the shift for this route's driver can be.
Fixed Cost: The fixed costs of the route.
Driving Speed %: The percentage of the expected speed at which the route will be driven. This is useful for taking into account heavy traffic. The default is 100.
Max Driving Time: The maximum time that the route's driver can spend driving.
Include Stem Time
From Start Location: Whether to include the time it takes to drive to the first job in the optimization. The default is "Enabled".
To End Location: Whether to include the time it takes to drive from the last job to the depot in the optimization. The default is "Enabled".
Time On Site
Start Location: The time on site required at the start location of the route for loading or preparing the vehicle. If you have selected a vehicle, this setting is pre-filled with the equivalent setting under Vehicle > Vehicle Information. If you have not selected a vehicle, it is pre-filled with the setting under Scenario Settings > Routing Settings. If you edit this setting, the new value overrides the pre-filled default value.
End Location: The time on site required at the end location of the route for unloading the vehicle. If you have selected a vehicle, this setting is pre-filled with the equivalent setting under Vehicle > Vehicle Information. If you have not selected a vehicle, it is pre-filled with the setting under Scenario Settings > Routing Settings. If you edit this setting, the new value overrides the pre-filled default value.
Mid-Route Depot: The time on site used for routes that require drivers to return to the depot mid-route to reload the vehicle. If you have selected a vehicle, this setting is pre-filled with the equivalent setting underVehicle > Vehicle Information. If you have not selected a vehicle, it is pre-filled with the setting underScenario Settings > Routing Settings.If you edit this setting, the new value overrides the pre-filled default value.
The Breaks tab lets you add the following information:
Breaks Relative To Start: Whether to use break start times that are relative to the shift start. When this setting is on, breaks start at a certain time after the start of the route, rather than at a set time of the day. The default is for the setting to be turned off.
Name: The name of the break.
Earliest Start Time: The earliest time when the break can start.
Latest Start Time: The latest time when the break can start.
Length: The length of time that the break can take.
When you create breaks on a route, or assign jobs or depots to a route, there are limitations that you must consider regarding the maximum number that can be used on a single route. For more information about these limitations, see the Route and Job Limitations page.
The Routing Settings tab lets you add the following information:
Vehicle type: The vehicle type for which to calculate the route. You can change this setting when a vehicle is assigned to the route.
Routing Settings
Same-side routing: Whether this vehicle is required to approach job locations on the same side of the road as the site entrance. If enabled, the vehicle is prevented from crossing oncoming lanes of traffic when entering the site.
Ferries: Whether this vehicle is allowed to use ferry crossings. If enabled, ferry crossings are permitted on routes for this vehicle.
The Vehicle Specification tab lets you add the following information:
Length: The length of the vehicle for which to calculate the route.
Width: The width of the vehicle for which to calculate the route.
Height: The height of the vehicle for which to calculate the route.
Kingpin to last axle: The length of the vehicle, from the kingpin to the last axle, for which to calculate the route.
Gross weight: The weight of the vehicle, including its load, for which to calculate the route.
Unladen weight: The weight of the vehicle, excluding its load, for which to calculate the route.
Number of axles: The vehicle's number of axles for which to calculate the route.
Number of wheels: The vehicle's number of wheels for which to calculate the route.
Number of trailers: The vehicle's number of trailers for which to calculate the route.
Override Hazmat Load Types: Select additional hazmat types that the vehicle for which to calculate the route may carry in addition to the hazmat types that are already defined in the scenario settings.
The Tags tab lets you add special attributes that the route possesses; for example, a driver's skill, a vehicle's ability to carry a particular load, or a high urgency.
To add a tag, start typing the name of the tag and then do either of the following:
Select the tag from the list.
Enter the complete name and press the Tab key on your keyboard.
You can enter more than one tag. To remove a tag, click the 'x' button next to the item.
The Custom Properties tab lets you add the following information:
Name: The name of a custom property. These arbitrary properties are not used for optimizing routes, but are added as columns to the Routes list, and can be useful for sorting and filtering purposes. For example, you could use these properties to specify additional data not included by default in Scenarios, such as additional notes about the route. These values can then be sorted in the grid by clicking the column header. Click the Add Property button to add a new Name and Value pair, or delete the content of an existing property pair and then click Save to remove them.
Value: The value of the custom property.
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