To add a new explicitly-defined fleet or team:
From the Main section of the navigation bar choose Fleets & Teams to open the Fleets & Teams screen.
Click the Fleets or Teams tab.
Click Create Fleet or Create Team.
Complete the Name field on the Create Fleet or Create Team dialog box, then click OK.
Click the new fleet or team from the list in the left panel.
Click the Vehicles and Drivers tab on the Details panel to add vehicles or drivers to the fleet or team.
Select or clear the Available to all users (Public) check box on the Details tab to specify whether the fleet or team is public or not:
Rights for working with public fleets and teams are controlled from the Rights tab of the User dialog box. These rights apply to all public fleets and teams.
Rights for working with private fleets and teams are assigned on a user-by-user basis via the Details panel > User Permissions tab.
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