Users can, when given suitable permissions, view private fleets including fleets managed by other platform accounts, using the fleet sharing feature of Verizon Connect Share.
To view a fleet shared by a main user or by another company:
From the Main section of the navigation bar choose Fleets & Teams to open the Fleets & Teams screen.
Click the Fleets tab.
Click the Create Fleet fleet button
to open the Create Fleet dialog box.
Enter a name for the shared fleet in the Name field, then click OK.
Click the newly created fleet from the Fleets list on the left of the screen. If necessary, enter the fleet name in the filter box to make it easier to locate it in the list.
Click the Details tab.
Select the Shared Fleet check box.
Copy the unique 32-character key that was either shown in your Verizon Connect Share welcome email or emailed to you by the main customer, into the Sharing Key field.
Select a color to represent the shared fleet from the Fleet Color picker.
Optional: Type a prefix into the Prefix field. The prefix is appended to the beginning of all vehicle, driver ,and depot names within the shared fleet, so you can quickly identify fleet assets belonging to the organization sharing their fleet with you.
Optional: Type a suffix into the Suffix field. The suffix is appended to the end of all vehicle, driver, and depot names within the shared fleet, so you can quickly identify fleet assets belonging to the organization sharing their fleet with you.
Click Save. The shared fleet is displayed in blue text in the Fleets list, and can now be chosen from the Fleets selector (located in the top right corner of the Map screen) or set as the active fleet.
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