Your HOS status changes automatically from On Duty to Driving if your vehicle starts moving. Your status changes automatically from Driving to On Duty if your vehicle is stationary for 6 minutes.
If your status does not change automatically, check the malfunction and diagnostic indicators on the HOS Status screen and use the Troubleshooting Malfunctions and Diagnostic Issues section to find out how to solve the issues.
In Canada, you see the On Duty - Moving lock screen if your vehicle starts moving, but speed does not exceed 8 km/h or 5 MPH. If your vehicle exceeds 8 km/h or 5 MPH, you are changed to Driving mode. If your vehicle stops or idles for more than 3 consecutive seconds, you are changed to the On Duty status. While you see the On Duty - Moving screen, you can’t interact with the screen, except for using co-driver functionality.
For more information see Entering and Leaving Driving Mode.
Your account might be configured to automatically change your HOS status from Off Duty to On Duty when you sign in, from Off Duty to Driving when vehicle movement is detected, or from any status to Off Duty when you sign out.
If your HOS status does not change automatically, but you are expecting it to, check the following:
Do you have Location Services enabled on your device? Go to the device's settings to check.
Is there a diagnostic issue or malfunction? Check whether the indicators on the HOS Status screen are orange or red.
Is the status not changing automatically, even though these two settings are okay? Contact your supervisor to check whether your account has been configured correctly.
To change your HOS status manually, go to the HOS Status screen and tap the appropriate status button whenever your HOS status changes.
Depending on your account configuration, you might receive a Warning when changing HOS status, to remind you of time remaining against current HOS rules.
You must change your status manually in the following situations:
When you start your shift, after you have logged in to the app. Change to On Duty.
When you finish your shift, before you log out of the app. Change to Off Duty.
When you are taking a rest break. Change to Sleeper Berth or Off Duty. For the 30-minute break, you can also be On Duty (not Driving).
When you are in Canada, your administrator has changed your rule cycle, and you have received a notification to take a cycle-reset break. Change to Off Duty.
When you start driving and exceed 5 MPH, you are automatically placed into Driving mode. If you do not have a connection to your vehicle, your driving is recorded as unidentified driving and you need to claim your driving time later.
It is important that you change your status to Off Duty before you sign out. If you don’t change your status, the time until you next sign in will be recorded as your current status and count towards your daily totals. For example, if your status is On Duty when you sign out, your On Duty time continues to increase until you sign in and change your status.
If you attempt to sign out while you are in a status other than Off Duty, the Choose Logged Out Status screen is displayed, where you can change your status to Off Duty.
In the US, when your vehicle starts moving, you are automatically placed into Driving mode.
In Canada, when your vehicle starts moving, you automatically see the On Duty - Moving lock screen. When your vehicle exceeds 8 km/h or 5 MPH, your status switches to Driving. Both On Duty Moving and Driving modes lock your screen so that you can’t interact with it. The difference between the two modes is that when the vehicle has stopped for more than 3 consecutive seconds, you leave the On Duty - Moving lock screen, and you can interact with the app again. To leave Driving mode you need to tap the On Duty button or wait for 6 minutes.
The Driving screen displays the following information:
Current HOS status (Driving)
HOS clocks showing the time spent in the current status and the time remaining before HOS limits for the day and the week are exceeded.
Information about the driver, the vehicle, the rule set, and the exemption enabled (if applicable).
The malfunctions
and diagnostics
indicators. These are colored if there are any issues.
An On Duty button that allows you to manually switch your HOS status to on duty when you have finished driving. This button is disabled while your vehicle is moving.
To exit Driving mode, either tap On Duty or wait for the mode to exit automatically. The latter occurs when there is a valid connection to your vehicle ECM and no movement has been detected for more than 6 minutes. The process of automatically switching to the On Duty status begins with the display of a warning message if the vehicle has been stationary for 5 minutes. If you do not react to this warning within a minute, you are automatically switched to On Duty.
If you fail to connect to a vehicle, this could be caused by you not being close enough to your vehicle, or Bluetooth or Wi-Fi being disabled on your mobile device.
You can still drive your vehicle even without a connection. You do not need to use paper logs. When you start driving, your HOS app will not show the Driving screen. You will see the Status screen instead. You need to claim your driving time later.
If you have Status Notes enabled in your account, you are prompted to select an event type whenever you change your status. The screenshot below shows the possible event types when going on duty.
The selected event type is added to the notes. You can add further notes to the status change, if required.
When you are adding free-form text notes, accented characters are not supported.
Normally your event location updates automatically when you change your HOS status. However, if no valid GPS signal has been received from the vehicle unit, you are prompted to manually enter the address where the HOS change was made, for logging purposes.
If this is the case, you see a list of recent locations to choose from and the option to add a Custom Location.
If your location is listed, tap the appropriate location and then tap Done.
If your location is not in the list:
Tap Custom Location.
Enter as many of the address details as possible.
Tap Search.
If matching addresses exist in the system, these are in the list. Tap the closest matching suggestion or, if there are no suggestions or none of the suggestions match, tap the unverified address.
Tap Done. Because you have entered your location manually, an 'M', for manual entry, will be shown in the latitude and longitude fields of your daily log.
We recommend that you choose an address from the search results where possible, so that exemptions can be calculated accurately. It is possible that choosing the unverified address can falsely mark you as ineligible for some exemptions. This is because these exemptions require you to start and end your work shift at the same location.
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