If your version of this product uses the single history screen, the vehicle history layer is displayed on the map when you select the History tab of the vehicle details pop-up, click a history link in a pop-up menu on the vehicle name, or click a history link in the vehicle's info balloon.
To display histories for multiple vehicles you can display the vehicle details pop-up for more than one vehicle. Once you have all required pop-ups showing, choose the History tab for each of them.
History Layer: When the map is replaced by a vehicle history layer, the History Layer label is displayed to indicate this state. Click the "X" on this label to remove the history layer, so that only the map shows.
History Trail: The route taken by each vehicle on the day of the history is shown by a line of animated dashes. The dashes move in the direction that the vehicle moved. To change the color for any trail use the display options section of the history controls.
If your version includes support for driver forms, a form icon
is displayed on the history trail of a driver history at every location where the driver submitted a form. Click an icon to display an info balloon about the form that was submitted.
Selected event: The currently selected event in the history is shown by a larger icon.
Event summary: Details about the currently selected event are displayed in an info balloon attached to the selected icon. The details include:
The time of the event (the time the vehicle was at the indicated location).
The name of the vehicle that generated the event.
The name of the driver assigned to the vehicle at the time of the event.
The status of the vehicle at the time of the event. If the vehicle generated a warning at that time, the status is displayed in red.
The address of the vehicle at the time of the event.
Controls and event list: The history tab of the vehicle details pop-up contains controls for working with the history and a list of all events that comprise the history. Click the links on the tab to launch a history report or shift the time frame of the history to the next or previous day. These controls are described in more detail below.
The Play button starts the animation. The slider next to the Play button indicates where in the history the selected event is positioned.
Speed controls let you control the speed at which a history animation moves through the events of the history.
The View report link opens a detailed history report for the vehicle on the day of the history.
Click the color you want the history layer to use for the dotted trail line that shows the direction of movement. The selected color is displayed as a solid square.
Click Hide Trail to hide the trail line, so that the map shows only the event icons.
The Showing drop-down list lets you control which event icons are displayed on the map:
All Events shows an icon for every event in the list.
Current Only shows only an icon on the currently selected event.
Key Events shows an icon for only those events where the vehicle changed its status.
Trail Only shows no event icons, only the trail line.
Note that this control affects only the map. The Details section always lists all of the events in the history.
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