With Verizon Connect Mobile Messaging drivers can communicate with the back office, by using text messages.
Tap the Messaging icon at the bottom of the Home screen to display the Messages screen:
The Messages screen lists all message threads (related messages that are part of one conversation). The most recent message is displayed at the top. Unread messages are shown in bold. Unless your account has been configured differently, messages are saved for up to 2 weeks.
From the Messages screen you can:
Tap on a message thread to read all messages that are part of it or to reply to a message.
Tap the Create Message icon
to create a new message.
When you receive a message and you are within WorkPlan, a New Message alert pops up.
Depending on the priority of the message and your settings, the message might also be read out to you. If there is more than one unread message, and at least one of the messages is high priority, a message stating the number of unread messages in the number of threads is read out rather than the message content.
On the New Message alert, select one of these options:
Remind me later: For the alert to pop up again later
Ignore: To close the alert
View: To open the Messages screen and read the new message
If there is no New Message alert, tap the Messaging icon on the Home screen, which has an exclamation mark on it when there is a new message.
If WorkPlan is running in the background, an alert is displayed in the device's message notifications area. Tap the notification to open the Messages screen.
To reply to a message:
Open the message, either by tapping View on the New Message alert or by tapping the message on the Messages screen.
Tap the text “Enter message”. The keyboard opens and you can use it to type your message.
When pasting text into the message content field from another application or editor, most formatting, such as bold or colored text, is lost.
When entering a URL or email address, the text is automatically changed into a link after the message has been sent. (Supported in WorkPlan v4.12 or later.)
Optionally, to change the message priority, tap the label “Low”. A drop-down box opens, from which you can select a priority level.
Tap the Send button
in the lower right corner.
To create a new message:
Go to the Messages screen.
Tap the Create message icon
in the upper right corner. The New Message screen opens.
Tap the text “To” and start typing the name of your supervisor.
If the name is found, it is shown in the list of suggestions. Tap the appropriate name.
You can send messages only to users that appear in the list of suggestions.
Optionally, change the priority level by tapping on the label "Low" and selecting a new priority level.
Tap “Enter message” and type your message.
When pasting text into the message content field from another application or editor, most formatting, such as bold or colored text, is lost.
When entering a URL or email address, the text is automatically changed into a link after the message has been sent. (Supported in WorkPlan v4.12 or later.)
Tap the Send button
in the upper right corner.
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