Your organization might use the trailer functionality, so that you can complete separate Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs) for your tractor (also referred to as vehicle) and your trailers.
Your organization might use the trailer functionality, so that you can complete separate Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs) for your tractor (also referred to as vehicle) and your trailers.
This article describes how to:
Create a trailer so that it appears in your list of trailers
Remove a trailer from your vehicle
When you have added one or more trailers, they are shown in the HOS Driver’s Daily Log Report.When you have added one or more trailers, they are shown in the HOS Driver’s Daily Log Report. If you have any co-drivers, they will see the trailers that you have added in their trailers list.
Your account must have the appropriate permissions to create new trailers.
To create a new trailer, if your trailer is not in the trailers list, follow these steps:
Make sure that you have selected your vehicle or that you have been automatically assigned to a vehicle.
From the WorkPlan Home screen tap the Trailers button.
When you are asked whether you want to add one more trailers, click Add Trailer.
A list of trailers is displayed. Make sure your trailer is not already listed by browsing through the list or starting to type the name of your trailer into the search field.
Type the entire name of your trailer into the search field. If the name cannot be found in the existing list, "(New Trailer)" is displayed next to the name and "Tap to create trailer..." underneath.
Click My Trailer (New Trailer) to open the Create Trailer screen.
If the name you entered is longer than 10 characters, the name is shortened. Also make sure that you use only letters (a-z or A-Z) and numerals (0-9), and no spaces, in the name. Enter any of the optional trailer details.
The Asset Type is defined by your administrator and determines whether you need to fill out any driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIRs) and when to fill them out. Ask your supervisor which asset type to use. Change the asset type by clicking on the Arrow button
and selecting the appropriate asset type from the list.
Click Create.
When you have added your trailer, it shows on the Trailers screen. Tap Add Trailer to add more trailers. Tap Continue if you have finished adding trailers.
You might need to complete a DVIR, if your trailer has a pre-trip DVIR defined.
The following method describes how to add one or more trailers to your vehicle using the Trailers screen after you have connected to a vehicle.
Make sure that you have selected your vehicle or that you have been automatically assigned to a vehicle. If you are asked whether to add trailers during the vehicle selection or pre-trip DVIR process, tap Skip.
From the WorkPlan Home screen tap the Trailers button.
The Trailers screen shows the trailers that you have already added. Tap Add Trailer.
A list of trailers is displayed. You can scroll through the list and select the appropriate trailer, or start typing the name of the trailer in the search field to reduce the number of trailers in the list. If your trailer does not show, tap Refresh to update the trailer list (on Android devices) or pull down the screen to refresh (on iOS devices). If you have the appropriate permissions, you can create a new trailer.
When you have selected your trailer, it shows on the Trailers screen. Tap Add Trailer if you want to add more trailers.
On the Trailers screen, tap Update Trailers in HOS. This redirects you to the Shipment Information screen where any trailer numbers have been updated automatically.
On the Shipment Information screen, confirm that the trailer numbers have been updated correctly.
The following method describes how to add one or more trailers to your vehicle during the vehicle selection or DVIR process.
During the vehicle selection, or during a pre-trip DVIR, when you are asked whether to add trailers, tap Add Trailer.
On the Trailers screen, tap Add Trailer for each trailer you want to add. Tap Continue when you have finished adding trailers.
You are redirected to the Shipment Information screen, where the trailer numbers are automatically added. Confirm that the trailer numbers are correct.
To remove a trailer so that it is no longer assigned to your vehicle, follow these steps:
From the WorkPlan Home screen tap the Trailers button.
From the list of trailers that are assigned to you, tap the trailer you want to remove.
Tap Unassign.
The trailer no longer shows on the Trailers screen.
You might need to complete a DVIR, if your trailer has a post-trip DVIR defined.
If you have any co-drivers, they will no longer see the trailers that you have removed in their trailers list.
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