You can import markers from a .CSV file that has the proper format.
To obtain a properly formatted .CSV file, you can do either of the following:
Export markers from another account or another user of this account.
To import a properly-formatted .CSV file:
From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Marker Import to open the Marker Import screen.
Click Choose File and select the .CSV file:
Click Import.
If there are any errors or missing information in the file, an error screen is displayed. For example, addresses should not contain abbreviations such as “HWY”, values that have no location such as “PO BOX”, or invalid street numbers.
If this occurs, you can:
Click Cancel and fix the .CSV file.
Click Continue to continue the import without editing. The import engine can recover from minor problems such as a missing zip code.
In the Confirm Format screen, ensure that the columns in your .CSV file are correctly mapped to marker properties:
Change the mapping for any column that is not properly matched. Select the First line in file is header check box to indicate that the first line of the .CSV file represents a marker.
If you are using latitude and longitude, do not include columns for address, city, state, zip, and country.
In the second Confirm Format screen, change the country where the markers are located, if necessary, and click Go.
In the Processing Complete screen, the imported markers are presented for you to review:
At the top of the file, is a summary of the status of each marker. This can be:
New markers saved: These are markers that have already been imported by clicking the Save button.
Duplicate markers ignored: These are markers that match markers already defined for your account. They are not imported.
Yet to be saved: These are markers with a status of Success. When you click the Save button, these markers are imported.
Choices: These are markers where you must make a choice before it is imported. Typically, you need to confirm the primary category or radius of these markers because it matches the default value.
Errors: These are markers that contain errors and cannot be imported. Make a note of them so that you can go back later and fix them in the .CSV file.
The markers you are importing are listed on the lower part of the screen. For each marker that has a status of Choice, set the undecided value and then click Accept.
When all markers have a status of Success (or Error) click the Save button.
If you are importing a lot of markers, you can periodically click the Save button to save the markers with a status of Success, then return to making choices on the rest.
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