Map layers are additional data that you can overlay on the map. Unlike the history layer that obscures the display of vehicles, markers, and clusters when you overlay them on the map, layers are drawn on the map view before vehicle, marker, or cluster icons.
Map layers are not supported in all versions. If you want to add this feature to your version, contact your sales representative.
Map layers can be toggled on and off using the Layers tool:
When you click the Layers tool, a pop-up is displayed that lists all of the available map layers. Select the check boxes next to every layer that you want to display on the map:
If you have many layers to choose from, you can re-order them in the list. Click the layer, then click Move up or Move down to re-order.
There are a number of map layers that are provided for you. These include:
Satellite Imagery: Note that this layer is controlled by one of the modal map controls buttons.
Labels: The map labels, including place names and street names, including the shields that identify highway and route numbers.
Traffic: The traffic layer colors roads to indicate how quickly traffic is currently moving, using the following colors:
Red: Traffic is moving slower than 31% of the speed limit.
Orange: Traffic is moving slower than 62% of the speed limit.
Yellow: Traffic is moving slower than 92% of the speed limit.
Green: Traffic is moving at 92% of the speed limit or faster.
Speed Limits: The speed limits layer colors roads to indicate how reliable the speed limits are, based on their source, using the following colors:
Red: The speed limit is unknown.
Blue: The speed limit is estimated.
Green: The speed limit is derived from the posted speed limit that is made available as part of the map data. This is the most reliable speed limit source.
Road Incidents: This layer shows road closures that are available as part of the map data that you get from Verizon Connect or as road edits that someone from within your organization has made. Closures display with a dashed, red line, and a closure icon
Weather - NWS RIDGE Radar: NWS Doppler radar imagery, indicating the degree of reflectivity, measured in dBZ (decibels of Z). Colors range from blue (low reflectivity) through green, yellow, red, and violet (high reflectivity). Values are updated every 4 - 10 minutes.
Weather - Visible Satellite Cloud Imagery: Cloud imagery is from geostationary satellites, with an approximate horizontal resolution of 1 km (0.62 miles). It is updated every 30 minutes.
Weather - Wind Velocity Point Observations: The wind velocity point observations are shown using wind barbs, which indicate the strength and direction of the wind at observation points. The barb is a line in the direction of the wind with "feathers" at the base to indicate the wind speed. The following image shows some sample wind barbs:
Weather - Surface Air Temperature: Surface air temperature is shown using graduated colors that vary every 2 degrees. Indicative colors are pink (-10 degrees Fahrenheit), violet (20 degrees Fahrenheit), blue (30 degrees Fahrenheit), cyan (40 degrees Fahrenheit), green (60 degrees Fahrenheit), yellow (75 degrees Fahrenheit), orange (95 degrees Fahrenheit), and red (110 degrees Fahrenheit). Data is updated hourly.
Weather - Surface Wind Velocity Analysis: The surface wind velocity analysis layer smooths out wind velocity point observations to display the wind velocity expected at 10m (~30ft) above ground level with a spatial resolution of the analysis is 5 km (3.1 miles). Wind speeds are shown with colors that range from gray (5 knots) through violet (15 knots), blue (20 knots), cyan (25 knots), green (30 knots), yellow (45 knots), orange (65 knots), red (85 knots), rust (95 knots), brown (100 knots), to pink (over 115 knots).
Weather - Forecast rainfall accumulation in next 6 hours: Forecast rainfall accumulation uses color to indicate the forecast precipitation for the next six hours, using a color scale from green (less than half an inch), through yellow (1 inch), orange (1.5 inches), red (2 inches), brown 3 inches), violet (4 inches), blue (6 inches), dark blue (6 inches), blue (8 inches), pale blue (10 inches) to cyan (14 inches).
Weather - Estimated rainfall accumulation in previous 6 hours: Same as forecast accumulation in next 6 hours, but for the previous 6 hours.
Weather - Tropical Cyclone/Hurricane Track forecast: This layer displays the cyclone or hurricane's present location, maximum estimated sustained surface wind (MPH), wind gusts, mean sea level pressure (millibars), forecasts of the storm's surface positions, maximum sustained winds and gusts at 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours, and uncertainty of the forecast track depicted as a cone. The following image shows the symbols used in this map layer:
Weather - Verizon Connect Estimated Speed Limit: This layer displays an estimate of the speed limit on streets that do not have speed data available in base map data. This option is not available in all versions.
Shared Marker Sets: This layer displays markers for points of interest (POI), such as restaurants, fuel stations, EV charging locations, trucks stops, or police stations. You can select each individual type of POI that you want to show on the map, for example just restaurants.
The Weather layers are based on data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NWS material incorporated in this application is not subject to copyright protection.
To display a legend for the built-in weather layers, click the Layer Legends button at the top of the layers pop-up. The Layer Legends dialog box opens and displays the legends:
Expand the Visible layers drop-down menu and select a legend from the list of all built-in weather layers that are showing on the map.
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