The Contact & Vitals page lets you view or edit contact information and identifying details about the driver. Items include:
Address 1-3: |
The driver's street address (up to three lines). |
City: |
The city where the driver lives. |
State: |
The state or region where the driver lives. |
Zip Code: |
The driver's zip code or postal code. |
Phone 1: |
The driver's phone number. |
Phone 2: |
An alternate phone number for the driver. |
User: |
This read-only control is only present if your account includes support for identifying subuser accounts as belonging to drivers. It shows the login name for the driver's subuser account. |
Employee ID: |
The driver's personal employee ID. |
Birth Date: |
The driver's date of birth. |
Height: |
The driver's height. |
Eye Color: |
The color of the driver's eyes. |
Sex: |
The driver's gender. |
Hire Date: |
The date the driver was hired. |
Leave Date: |
The date the driver's contract terminates. |
Garmin ID: |
The ID of the driver's Garmin device. This option is only available if your account supports working with Garmin devices. |
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