When you select the history tab, the main map changes to show the history layer. The items in this view let you configure what you see in the history layer.
Report and History contains a link that opens a detailed history report for the vehicle on the day of the history. The animation controls let you move through past vehicle events, watching the progress of the vehicle on the map and in the Details section of the dialog box.
This control is only displayed if you use the single history screen. If you have multi-histories enabled, use the controls on the history tab that are displayed below the map.
Display Options lets you configure the colors of the history layer and the events that are shown in the history layer or the vehicle history animation.
Summary gives summary statistics for the time covered in the history.
Details lists all of the events (reports from the vehicle) that were received for the time period.
For more information on using this page with vehicle histories, see Vehicle histories.
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