The Vehicle Details pop-up lets you view information about a vehicle and perform vehicle-related tasks. This pop-up is displayed when you:
Click a static info balloon on the map.
Click a vehicle name on a dynamic info balloon on the map.
Double-click the row for a vehicle in the vehicles list.
Click a vehicle name and location in the Find Nearest Vehicles list.
Name and status of the vehicle are displayed in the title bar.
Tabs. Depending on your version, these might include:
Mini-map: Shows the vehicle location and details.
History: Controls for working with a vehicle history.
Info: Shows photo, overview information, and details about the vehicle.
Notes: Free-form notes to view or edit.
Fleets: A list of fleets the vehicle belongs to.
Tags: Lists tags assigned to the vehicle or its driver.
Hardware: Lists information about the devices installed on the vehicle.
Click the or controls to show or hide sections of the pop-up.
Close and minimize buttons.
Click and drag on the pop-up border to resize it.
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