To set up your video InSight Alerts:
From the Tasks section of the main navigation bar, choose Setup InSight Alerts.
Click Create.
From the list of alert types, choose Video.
Click OK. The Setup InSight Alerts screen appears, where you can define alert settings.
On the Parameters tab, fill in general information such as the item type and fleet.
You cannot change the severity color because this is determined by severity and analytics.
On the Email Options tab, specify the recipients of the email when an alert is triggered.
On the Push Notifications Options tab, select the check box to allow push notifications on your mobile device.
On the Popup Options tab, select the check box to allow a pop-up window to appear on your screen when the alert is triggered.
On the Roles tab, define the list of users to share the alert with.
On the Schedule tab, specify when the alert is in effect.
Click Save.
You can view the InSight Alerts Inbox by choosing the InSight Alerts in the Main section of the navigation bar to the left of your screen.
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