When a report in the Verizon Connect platform fails to run as scheduled, or to generate data as expected, this failure might be caused by the following conditions:
When you are using scheduled reports, the report might fail because your permissions were changed between the time the report was scheduled and the time the report was run. These reports can also fail for the following reasons:
You might have previously been given the account permissions needed to run a report, but these permissions were subsequently changed such that you no longer have the appropriate rights to run the report.
To check your permissions follow these steps:
Go to the Subusers screen (under Tasks).
Click on your username.
Select the Rights tab.
In the Roles section, note the names of the roles that you are assigned to.
Go to the Roles screen (under Tasks).
For each role you are assigned to: Select the name of the role.
Select the Rights tab.
Select the check box next to Show All Rights.
Scroll down to the Reports section and make sure that the right for the report that you were trying to run is set to "Allowed".
You might have previously been given the account permissions needed to access the data needed to generate a specific report type, but these permissions have subsequently changed such that you no longer have the appropriate rights to access the data.
This issue could have several causes, including changes that have limited your rights to access the fleets or teams that you selected. To check your privileges, look through the rights for the roles that you are assigned to (as described above) and then go to the Hierarchy screen to check that the team you selected is at the same node level, or in a child node lower than your own assigned node, in the hierarchy.
If you are still unable to run a report, although you have checked the possible failure reasons above and tried to rerun the report, please contact Verizon Connect support for help.
Reports are removed automatically after 21 days because of privacy regulations. The report is still listed on the Reports screen. It has a status of “Removed”, and you can no longer view it. If you still need a report that has been removed, you can rerun it.
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