The Reports screen lists the simple custom reports and built-in reports that have been run, that are currently running, or that are scheduled to run as soon as possible.
The top part of the screen lists the reports or report data that has been or is about to be generated. Each row lists:
An icon that indicates the output format.
The name of the report or data set.
The type of report.
The status of the report. This can be one of the following:
Queued: Ready to start generating the report. Waiting on other reports to finish.
Started: The report is being generated. A progress bar appears.
Estimating Size: The size of the report is being estimated.
Data Generating: Data is being retrieved for this report.
File Generating: Data has been retrieved. The report file is being generated. This is the last state in the progress bar.
Completed: The report is ready for viewing.
Aborted: The report failed because the user canceled the report or because of other reasons, such parameters that are invalid or too wide ranging.
Failed: The report failed because of unknown reasons.
Completed No Data: The report was generated but it cannot be viewed because it contains no data.
Removed: The report was removed because of privacy regulations. To rerun the report, click the Rerun icon. Some data might have changed since the report was last run.
The date and time when the report started running.
The remaining days before the report will be removed because of privacy regulations or, if the status is “Removed”, the text “No longer available”.
The size of the generated file. If the status is not "Completed" or "Removed", this value is 0.
Tools that let you view, download, cancel, rerun, or delete the report.
The lower part of the screen displays the currently selected report (if you click the icon to view it on this page). You can click Download to download the displayed report.
Click the icons in the view controls columns to view a report once it is completed. These controls are as follows:
View the report in the lower part of this page. This icon is displayed when a report has been successfully generated. |
View the report in a separate web page. This icon is displayed when a report has been successfully generated. |
Download the report to your local machine. This icon is displayed when a report has been successfully generated. |
Cancel the report generation. This icon is displayed while a report is being generated. |
Rerun the report with the same settings. Some data might have changed since the report was last run. |
Delete the report from the system. |
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