Navigation (Global) is a GPS-based navigation application (app) for professional drivers. It provides turn-by-turn navigation instructions on mobile devices for a variety of vehicle classes and is highly configurable.
Navigation (N. America) is the legacy navigation application for Windows and Android systems. Navigation (N. America) has map data for US and Canadian roads. The Navigation Portal application allows administrators to monitor and manage their Navigation (N. America) solution.
Navigation (Global) builds on Navigation (N. America) and is fully integrated with the Verizon Connect platform. Navigation (Global) supports international data in all regions of the world.
You can set up a subscription for your fleet and activate the Navigation (Global) service by contacting your Verizon Connect account representative. As soon as the service has been activated, your drivers can download and install the Navigation (Global) mobile application and start using it.
iOS users can download the app from the App Store.
Android users can download the app from the Play store.
See the Navigation Getting Started Guide for details about signing in and using the application.
Verizon Connect Navigation software is built on years of driver experience. Over 150,000 drivers have been using our Navigation software for over a decade. We have used that experience and feedback to improve map data and add key features that help professional drivers manage routes and schedules effectively to stay informed, focused and well-prepared when they are on the road.
Our extensive driver community also provides daily feedback about routes and road conditions that is integrated into the Navigation road network data. As a result, drivers have the most current road network data available when using the service. With its offboard map option, you do not need to download gigabytes of data to get started. You can start using Navigation in minutes.
Studies have shown that fleets that deploy Verizon Connect Navigation services have experienced a 2-4% drop in mileage, a 5% decrease in fuel costs, a 5-10% decrease in accidents, a 20% increase in workforce productivity, and more…
The "last mile" is how Verizon Connect Navigation services provide custom navigation and instructions to drivers as they approach their destination. The Verizon Connect Markers feature works with our Navigation services to provide instructions customized for your unique depot and customer locations, including configurable yard shapes and sizes, access paths to the location from nearby roads and back out to the road (and different arrival and departure routing if needed), and custom arrival and departure notes.
The USA map data is divided as follows:
Great Lakes: Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio
Mid West: N & S Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas
Mountain West: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico
North East: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine
Pacific West: California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii
South East: Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, N & S Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia
Texas: Texas
Map data is broken into a series of files by country and function. These include:
Road Network — basic road data
Truck Network — truck specific road data
Historic Traffic — historic traffic data used for routing
Enhanced Network — comprises Truck and Historic map data
Signage — includes junction view and signage data
World Junction Views — junction views for various countries
World Cities and Borders — city and border data
For larger regions and countries, the files can be broken into West and East (for USA) or North and South (for Brazil).
Common Navigation files are used for all data coverage regions. This sometimes makes it appear that all regions are downloaded, even if the user has chosen only one region.
For information on how to copy map data, see How to Copy Map Data Files.
On the phone or tablet, go to Settings.
Tap Apps. If Google Maps (or any other map app) is set as default, find it in the list on the Apps screen and tap it.
Tap Open by default.
Tap Open Supported Links, then tap "Ask Every Time".
Go back to the Apps screen, find "Navigation" in the list, and tap it.
Tap Open by default.
Tap Open Supported Links, then tap "Open Every Time".
The options described in the steps above may be slightly different depending on the make and model of your Android device.
Offboard maps are the fastest way to start using Navigation without downloading data. Offboard maps require an Internet connection. Onboard maps are downloaded to your device and give you access to additional features such as speed alerts and junction views. Onboard maps work without an Internet connection.
For more details about offboard and onboard maps see Onboard vs. Offboard Maps in Navigation.
Navigation can use live and historic traffic data for routing. For the first 15 minutes of any route, live traffic data is used for routing. Beyond 15 minutes, historic traffic data is used for routing. Historic traffic data for a particular road varies, depending on the time of day and day of the week.
When generating a route, Navigation suggests the route that will get you to your destination the fastest, on roads that are appropriate for your vehicle. This may not always be the most direct or shortest route, since Navigation considers how heavy and concentrated the traffic is on the potential routes, and avoids roads with the worst traffic conditions.
The Navigation map uses color to show the current rate of traffic flow. The traffic flow is indicated by the following colors: red = heavy; amber = medium; yellow = light; green = no traffic. The following screenshots show the traffic flow:
Location Overview:
Route Overview:
Guidance View:
When generating a route, Navigation estimates the ETA by adding together the expected duration of all route segments. The expected duration for each route segment is calculated from the length of the segment and the speed limit along the segment. Traffic data is also used to adjust travel times along route segments.
Once you start driving, the ETA is updated every second. When you are in Guidance view, the estimated time until the next maneuver is also displayed. This is calculated from the distance to the next maneuver, the speed of the vehicle, and traffic data.
Sometimes, when navigating to an address, you might be asked to select a GPS setting. If this happens, choose “GPS” instead of “High Definition GPS”.
A "speed warning" is triggered at 5 KPH or 3.1 MPH over the posted speed limit. A "speed alert" is triggered at 10 KPH or 6.2 MPH over the speed limit. A speed alert also triggers an audible alert.
GPS and Odometer speeds might not exactly match. The odometer reading is also dependent on tire inflation pressure.
Some features, such as the ability to submit feedback about a marked location, do not work as intended on LG devices. This problem usually applies only when the device is positioned in landscape orientation. If you encounter this problem, switch to portrait orientation then try again.
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