The Setup InSight Alerts screen lets you create new InSight Alerts™ and manage the alerts you have already created. To display this screen, choose Setup InSight Alerts from the Tasks section of the navigation bar.
The Setup InSight Alerts screen has two panels: the currently defined InSight Alerts are listed on the left panel, and the details of the selected InSight Alert are displayed in tabbed pages on the right panel:
The panel on the left lets you select the existing InSight Alert to work with, and create new alerts:
To edit an existing alert, select it then use the tabs in the right panel to reconfigure the alert.
To delete an existing alert, select it then click Delete.
To create a new alert, click Create then select the type of InSight Alert you want to create. A new alert is added to the list. Select the alert and use the tabs on the right panel to configure the alert.
In addition to using the Setup InSight Alerts screen, if your account includes support for Install Types, you can use the Diagnostic InSight Alerts tab of the Install Types screen to create InSight Alerts based on inputs.
The panel on the right lets you configure the currently selected alert. It has several tabbed pages:
Parameters lets you specify the rule that causes the alert to trigger and configure how the alert triggers.
Email options lets you specify which emails should be sent when the condition for the alert is met, and whether they should be sent when the alert triggers or when the alert ends.
Push notification options lets you specify whether or not to send mobile device notifications when the condition for the alert is met and what the notification message should be.
Popup options lets you configure the InSight Alert so that a pop-up opens whenever the alert is triggered.
Roles lets you share an alert with other users who have any of the roles you specify.
Schedule lets you specify when the alert is in effect. When an alert is not in effect, the system does not check for the condition that defines the alert.
Ensure you click Save after making any changes.
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