From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Driver Forms to open the Driver Forms screen:
Use the From and To controls to specify a time period. The Driver Forms screen shows all forms your drivers have submitted during that time period.
The list of submitted forms provides the following information about submitted forms:
Date: The date and time when the driver submitted the form
Driver: The nickname of the driver who submitted the form
Vehicle: The vehicle that the driver was assigned to at the time the form was submitted
Job: The job that the driver was working on at the time the form was submitted
Address: The address from which the driver submitted the form (based on the GPS location of the driver's mobile device that submitted the form)
City: The city from which the driver submitted the form (based on the GPS location of the driver's mobile device that submitted the form)
State (or County): The state (or region) from which the driver submitted the form (based on the GPS location of the driver's mobile device that submitted the form)
Zip Code (or Postcode): The zip code (or postal code) from which the driver submitted the form (based on the GPS location of the driver's mobile device that submitted the form)
Location: The GPS coordinates of the location where the form was submitted. This field might display "GPS signal too weak", if the location could not be determined.
Form Template: The name of the form template for the form
Version: The version of the form, for example, "1 of 2". For third signature DVIR forms there might be several versions of a form; for example, a form with a failed item, a form that the mechanic filled out when repairing the issue and a form in which the driver approved the fixed item.
Walkaround Completed: The result of a DVIR walkaround. This can be either "Not configured" (if the DVIR Walkaround Settings have not been configured), a tick symbol
with a Details link (if the probability of the driver walking around the vehicle during the inspection is high), or a cross symbol
with a Details link (if the probability of the driver walking around the vehicle during the inspection is low). This is applicable to DVIR forms only.
Click View to view the currently selected form. This displays the form with all the information the driver entered.
Click Show on Map to open up a driver history with the current time and location set to the point when the form was submitted.
If you want to export the selected form, you must select a form template from the drop-down list. The selected template determines which columns are exported.
Click Export to export the currently selected forms to a spreadsheet. This button is only enabled if you have a Form Template selected in the toolbar.
Select Export all forms on all pages in the Export dialog box if you want to export all selected forms on all pages listing driver forms. Clear the setting if you want to export only the selected forms listed on the page that you are currently on.
Click Driver Territories and select a territory from the drop-down list to filter the list of forms by a territory that the driver is in. Territories can be set up on the Territories screen if you have a subscription to Dispatch or Verizon Connect® Response™. The default setting for this filter is "All", which does not filter on a particular territory. The list contains only those territories that you have permission to access. If the territory you want to add is not listed, contact your administrator.
Click Advanced Search to filter the list of submitted forms. The Advanced Search dialog box opens. Enter your filter terms in the fields. You can use one or more fields. Click OK to apply the filter term to the list of submitted forms.
Click Reset to remove any filter that has been applied to the list.
Select one or more forms to enable the View and Show on Map buttons, or to enable form exporting.
Click the Details link to open the Inspections Details dialog box. This dialog box shows the data collected to calculate the probability that the driver walked around the vehicle during the inspection. The link is displayed for DVIR forms that have DVIR Walkaround Settings configured on the form template.
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