It is essential that you confirm and certify all your HOS logs.
You must certify your HOS logs in one of the following ways:
When you sign in or out.
By tapping the Certify button in the upper right corner of the HOS Chart screen. If the link is replaced by the label Certified, the HOS log has already been signed.
By going to the Event List screen, tapping on the button to the right of a daily entry, and then tapping the Certify button in the upper right corner. If the link is replaced by the label Certified, the HOS log has already been certified.
By going to the HOS Status screen, tapping the Actions button, and then tapping Review. The review might consist of two screens, if applicable. First you might see the Review Events screen, and second the Review Days screen.
The Review Days screen lists any uncertified HOS logs. The screen is available only if there are logs to review. Tap the date for the log you want to certify.
The Confirm Logs screen displays for the selected day.
The screen shows a summary containing the total time spent in each HOS status that day. Below these times, a list of each HOS status change that occurred that day displays with a corresponding time.
Tap Agree to certify your HOS logs immediately.
Tap Not Ready to certify your logs later.
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