The Training screen lists any training or instructional videos available for viewing on your mobile device.
Videos MUST NOT be viewed while your vehicle is in motion. For information about uploading and managing training videos, see Uploading Coach Training Videos.
You can display the Training screen by tapping the Menu button in the upper left corner, scrolling to the bottom of the menu that opens, and then choosing Training.
The Training screen contains a list of channels, each containing training videos available to you. Information displayed for each video, after selecting a channel, includes:
The video's title
A screen capture of the video's contents (or a default placeholder image)
To view a video, tap a row or a video title. The video opens in a player window. Videos might take some time to buffer before playback begins, depending on your mobile device's data connection quality and speed.
To close the video player window, tap the back button in the upper left corner of the screen, or the close 'X' button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Some or all of the following controls are available when you tap the player window:
Tap to play the video. |
Tap to pause the video. |
Tap to rewind the video ten seconds. |
Tap to fast forward the video ten seconds. |
Tap the play or pause icon to start or stop the video. Move the blue dot on the slider to skip forward or backward. |
Tap the speaker icon to mute or enable audio. Move the blue dot on the slider to increase or decrease the audio volume. |
Tap to increase or reduce the size of the video screen. |
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